how many people...


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2006
how many people have a hamster or a bird?
my friend has a website thats called "tweets and squeaks" thats dead right now because there are only 10 members and shes sad.

anyone want to join? its fun :yes:
I hear birds and hamsters make for delicious sandwich fillings.
thats not nice........

i have a hamster, and no one HAS to join. i just think her site is cool, even if you dont have pets. i would post a link here but i dont know how :rolleyes:
I used to have a girble and a bird..
the girble lived for 4 years, and the bird was
given away. =/

(and yes this seems like advertising...)
I had 3 hamsters, and now they are in my backyard buried in a box.

I still have 3 birds, Tookee (African Gray), Rudy (Green Cheek Conure), and Merlin (White dove.)
An admin will move it for you or mod just PM one of the mods and they will probably move it for you

My sis got a hampster for her 15th Birthday. It has a seziure a few months ago.




JJH0369 :wintergyroid: