Help! Where did my bells go? D:

Lady Loki

Marry me, Tom Hiddleston.
Aug 14, 2013
Yellow Candy
Togepi Easter Egg
Chocolate Cake
Cherry (Fruit)
New Year's Party Popper
Red Candy
Green Candy
I sold my Zodiac Set for 2 million. To make the payment faster, I tried the Retail approach - where I'll price items, 999,999k each. The person came and bought both of the items.

I expected it to be in my bank, but it's not there! D:
It's been a couple of days, so I am not sure, what's going on.

[...]Bells are delivered on the following day, 6am in the morning. Don't worry about it.'

from a gamefaqs board.
So when you walked into re-tail the next day, did she inform you that someone bought your items?
Yes is the next day xD I been through this before and I kinda freak out too haha!!
Are your items gone? If yes, they should hAve been purchased. She tells you the next day, $ should be in your acct that day
Yeah, I know that once when someone purchased my items, I walked into the store the next day and Reese told me that someone bought them and that the money has been deposited into my account. So my only guess is, maybe in order for the money to be transferred you need to step into re-tail?
Yeah, I know that once when someone purchased my items, I walked into the store the next day and Reese told me that someone bought them and that the money has been deposited into my account. So my only guess is, maybe in order for the money to be transferred you need to step into re-tail?

Was thinking the same.