does someone's icon affect how you see them?


court jester
Oct 1, 2017
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Famous Mushroom
Friday the 13th Candy
Voodoo Doll
Ancient Candle
Purple Bat Potion
Pumpkin Cupcake
Pink Candy
like, do you associate people with different vibes or personalities depending on their avatar? or affect how approachable you find the user to be? or if there's a person/character as their icon, do you see them as looking like that?
Like yours, mitfy, I highly doubt you look like that in real life, but just that expression already tells me your very cheerful.
Unless they post IRL pictures of themselves, I can guarantee that some of the other avatars on this site doesn't look like them at all... (Like me)

For example, me.
I definitely don't look like Marie, but me and her have the same laid-back impression and laziness. (Minus the sarcasm, she's good with it.)
yeah it tends to. it kind of gives me a vision in my head of what they might be like as a person (it obv shows what they like or are interested in). i view people with unprofessional looking icons (not resized properly, blurry, etc) differently than those who have clean cut icons. i don't know why.
Honestly, not really. I go off the content of people's posts and not so much their icons.
sometimes. I tend to heavily associate people with their icons and sometimes can't recognize people when they change them
For first impressions it most certainly does, but after seeing more of that person's posts I can more easily tell what they're like apart from their profile pic or signature.
Only slightly.
At the very least it gives me a very vague picture of what their interests might be, but not much else.
not really but if they have an interesting avatar or we share a mutual interest through that avatar I'll be more inclined to talk to them
It's my goal to be seen as the dumbest member on TBT so I sure hope so.
yeah definitely, its a quick judgement if theyre silly, serious, peculiar, ya name it!
aren't icons supposed to represent you, or what interests you have atm?

at least that's what I had in mind when I chose this ice cream blue stuffed octo guy.
Sometimes. A person's interests and what they choose to define themselves with can represent their personality and attitude, but not always