the doctor's free sketch thread

View attachment 34686

I cannot draw kangaroos lol

The text says if anyone talks **** bout' ya mate, tell me and I will knock em into Tuesday of next year

Like the others this too will be scanned once I have access to my scanner

They both look amazing, I absolutely love your art style x3
Thank you so much! I love what Rooney says too XD
So a little set back I left the drawings at my cousin's place
So I'll have to redraw the ones I've done already I am really sorry :c
Oh you're such a silly goose >:c

Still, lovely work as always o3o
not requesting anything but i just wanted to say your art is so fun and you have a really neat unique well-developed style! can't wait to see more!
/whispers/ are we still allowed to request something? Don't want to give you too much work though, hun.
Seems like I'm late to this but really nice work as always Dr, also could you sketch my mayor with Mira?


The thing on his left shoulder is shoulder plate, also I hope I'm not asking too much if you could draw Mira with the clothes she has in this screen shot.

@Joon of course you can 030
these will be open for a while until I decide to close them

also I should get started on some more of the request that were
give already also make a note as you can tell I'm not replying to each
of the post with a "sure" or whatever since I'm of course doing each one
I'm given, only time I will reply is to ask a question about a mayors clothes ect.
and all that stuff if I need to now.​

- - - Post Merge - - -

@chansey , Thank you dear <3 I really appreciate the comment​
/trys desperately to think of who my side kick would be for investigating Dr. Shrunk. Kid Cat is too exciteable, Lucky is too accident prone. Freya is paranoid enough as it is... that means it would have to be.../

I'd request my mayor and Bruce if that's okay.

Mayor ref.JPGBruce.jpgBruce.png

/whispers/ but seriously, bro, just love your style so much like damn
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Stopping by to say sorry I haven't been posting any finished request I've been out and about my family and I are in las vegas so yeaahh been doing quite a bit and lots,of,walking around and by the time I get to my hotel room I'm pretty much too tired to do much since its 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning lol

Tonight we're going to an illusionist show c: at the luxor hotel

- - - Post Merge - - -

The hotel we're staying at is cool as well
It's the stratosphere hotel, it has three thrill rides at the very top and bungee jumping too much of a pansy to go on any of them

Oh and yes, there is a casino on the bottom floor like,all the hotels here
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Awh I went to vegas at the end of summer last year cx We stayed at the Quad, geez lemme tell you that theres alcohol everywhere xD
owh my gaaawwdd♥♥♥ your style is flawless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please please please do one of me and static!!♥
RASHED-PC - WIN_20140308_210431.jpgRASHED-PC - WIN_20140308_210443.jpg
hello, just stopping by to say I am still working on these, I kinda just took a pause one them,
also a little issue has come up, I wont be able to scan any of these like I was originally going to
but, the fact my scanner no longer works kinda screwed that up for me so, I will take pictures of the pics
pictureception, also here are the ones I did already, they were posted on the thread before but, I wanted to take
more better quality pics of here they are again


Sketch ahoy? ;)



Can you draw mine with Rooney? :3
View attachment 34547

ugh I really hate how Rooney's legs turned out still

[[I'm so terribly sorry that these all cannot be scanned ;m;]]​
bbbbbbbbb oh no theyre so kawaii
i lav ur style
Omgoooosh your style is super cute!
Could I possibly have one? c:
I don't mind waiting~
^There is my mayor! Could her also draw her with Flurry?
No worries if you aren't up for it today or it's too much trouble. c:
Thank you!
Oh your back, I hope you didn't start my request yet cause I've updated my mayor ref since then



If it's too late then its ok.
hello, just stopping by to say I am still working on these, I kinda just took a pause one them,
also a little issue has come up, I wont be able to scan any of these like I was originally going to
but, the fact my scanner no longer works kinda screwed that up for me so, I will take pictures of the pics
pictureception, also here are the ones I did already, they were posted on the thread before but, I wanted to take
more better quality pics of here they are again​

Oh I didn't recognise you because of your new username xD

That's fine mate, I always have problems with my scanner too lol. They all look awesome as always, especially my one with Rooney x3 Thank you again <3​