The Bell Tree Mumble: Beginner's Guide

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Important Update Regarding Mumble

As I'm sure most of you are aware, Mumble has been very inactive as of late. This is largely due to the lack of moderation regarding the large amounts of **** that occurs whenever people are actually there.

To avoid closure, I have now changed it to require registration to enter the general discussion channel. The only way to gain registration in Mumble is to ask a moderator or what I'm deeming as superusers to register you.

I'm currently fairly busy, trying to move house as well as deal with insurmountable dramas in my life, but when things die down I will be promoting more people with these privileges to register, as well as be in there more myself. Hopefully this means we can get Mumble a bit more active again.
I made a new certificate for the name Ashtot yet I have no privileges in The Bell Tree.
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I miss Mumble and hope to be active with it again in the future. My laptop broke months ago so I no longer have my certificate :c

Mumble To Do List:
Register Laurina.
Promote Justin to SuperUser.
Please register me. I love mumble. I'm sorry to hear that Justin/Jason.
Afraid we can only register you when you are actually in the Mumble chat. It'd be best to ask somebody on IRC to join and register you.
I joined the mumble and have made a certificate, but I can't register. Wat do ;-;
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So I've reverted the requirement to be registered to speak. It seemed to only cause problems.

I'm going to actively try to be in the Mumble more often. Whenever I'm on the computer I'll be logged into Mumble, even if I'm in the AFK channel. Hoping that more people can do the same and we can try and revive the dead server.
I abandoned the IRC and mumble!!! RIP TBT Afterhours!
I'm usually just sitting around my computer when I'm logged in so sitting in mumble really isn't out of the question
So I've reverted the requirement to be registered to speak. It seemed to only cause problems.

I'm going to actively try to be in the Mumble more often. Whenever I'm on the computer I'll be logged into Mumble, even if I'm in the AFK channel. Hoping that more people can do the same and we can try and revive the dead server.

**** head ive done this for months
I hope mumble gets more active.. it's also too awkward if there's like only 2-3 people including myself :<
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If mumble wasn't so darn annoying to use and set up then I'd probably go in there again. I gave up after a couple of tries and decided I prefer Skype. I feel bad for Lauren always being there alone though, aww.
If mumble wasn't so darn annoying to use and set up then I'd probably go in there again. I gave up after a couple of tries and decided I prefer Skype. I feel bad for Lauren always being there alone though, aww.

its not tho, ur just incompetent
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