Official Turnip Prices Thread

nvm, I'm not online for the remainder of the evening anyway
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Anyone have any decent prices today? I dont even care if its 200, i need to sell lol
No one at all? I have an hour and a half left to sell my turnips, will sell at any price now xD just want them gone
Oh uh, I can still set my turnip price to 990 if anyone likes.

And by that, I mean any day except Sunday.
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Oh uh, I can still set my turnip price to 990 if anyone likes.

And by that, I mean any day except Sunday.
I'd love this if you ever did because I'm trying to get the stalk market badge but my turnip prices in my town have never gone over 100 bells.
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Reese is currently on a downturn for turnips for me. :c If anyone has good turnip prices, lemme know, (and if you're willing to timetravel for the price).