What was the basis for your username?

this is my username for everything as it is my nickname in my family and i've never found it already taken when signing up to stuff. It came from my brother being unable to say my name properly when I was born.
"Nook" with a y added to it, got the inspiration from Tom Nook.

I wish i had enough bells for a name change though; i don't think past me knew what nooky actually meant...
"Nook" with a y added to it, got the inspiration from Tom Nook.

I wish i had enough bells for a name change though; i don't think past me knew what nooky actually meant...


I honestly wouldn't have thought of that last bit if you didn't mention it.
The basis is that I have always been a very envious person. I came up with it back when I was a teenager. I had yet to come up with a username that really worked for me, but this one fits perfectly. Even to this day, because I still can't get over my frustration that I'm not as pretty, musically talented, etc. as others.
lol Peter got me obsessed with the chandelure trio

speaking of which, I haven't seen that creep in awhile
When I joined this website, already had a couple of town names for New Leaf in mind, one of them being "Juicebox" because I was planning on my town having an abundance of fruit everywhere. I didn't end up going with that name, but I like it as my username, because it's somewhat unique.
This is the very first username I ever had on the Internet, from way back around 1997. My friend Rob was a huge Transformers/Beast Wars fan, and he knew that I collected different Cheetor figures. He told me that Cheetor's nickname on one episode was "Cloudkitty" and VOILA an internet identity was born. I haven't used it for at least ten years, but I was getting a bit tired of using Des and Desilu, so I signed up on this site as Cloudkitty. My friends would shorten it to "CK" or "Stripes." Okay, it was just that one person that called me Stripes, but I definitely answered to it.
I was listening to a song called fury sparks, and had something setup so my skype status changed to song names. Someone misread it as furry sparks. I thought it sounded cool, and I could finally move away from having numbers in my username.
I was listening to a song called fury sparks, and had something setup so my skype status changed to song names. Someone misread it as furry sparks. I thought it sounded cool, and I could finally move away from having numbers in my username.

RIP in Peace Zeldafreak104.
I guess I chose it because I wanted something other than skjdfhcskjbfv and, on a whim, decided to try Gandalf.

The Lord of the Rings has always been my favourite series and I was totally stoked when it wasn't taken :D
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That thing.
Mine is my Middle Name, have had friends and such calling me by it for years now and i love it to death.^^
When my boyfriend and I RP Animal Crossing we have a couple Original Characters we use. One of mine is a Fox named Berri who at one point we decided to make an Officer. Soooo. I'm officer Berri because she's my favorite of my characters!