What Do You Look Like?

Green hair♥♥ Seems the link is broken, I have to fix this :<
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Green hair♥♥
QUOTE]Makes you look like a ~mermaid~
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This is me! This is the best I have for a selfie right now since it's late ~.~ image.jpg
People in my family say if they didn't know what nationality I was, they'd be confused. What nationality do you think I'm from? (Greek, French, Italian, etc.) hint: it's two
EDIT: why did it flip upside down help
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ahh i'm so jealous of everyone's hair color. i used to dye my hair blue+purple but my current job doesn't allow it. :c you all have such gorgeous colors!!!

also I'm still here, still playing animal crossing. I've just been on vacation for the better part of this month.
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also I'm still here, still playing animal crossing. I've just been on vacation for the better part of this month.

Epokasan lives on
Looking hella dapper my friend


True vegetarian