Rate the signature above you!

10/10 araine represent :) also I havent changed mine from Halloween yet xD
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9/10 because i love penguins and christmas and simplicity!!!!it doesn't say anything about you which seems to be the common use of a signature but i think that's also why i really like it ^^
(where did you get these lil gifs? theyre so adorable!!)
I typed in tiny penguin/ tiny Christmas tree pixels. :)


I usually dislike wordy signatures but I love the little use of icons, colour and how simply/cute it is. :)
10/10 ITS CUTE RUNNING PUPPIES???? Reminds me of the opening screen of my really old Dogz games (both Gboy and DS). God, that takes me back.
7/10 i guess, i liked your older more :rolleyes:

(might might not make sense so feel free to skip lol)