Trouble at school and home

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My life has been **** and I don't like the way people communicate with me at all.

Maybe don't leave rude, snarky remarks to people who were trying to help you?? Idk it seems like that might help a bit...
The way people communicated with me in real life is the reason why I corrupt words in English in the first place.
I'm not 100% sure what's going on here, but it can't hurt to be nicer to people! ^_^
I ask for things nicely and then people are just being rude and mean to me. They say I'm too loud and I am doing something for justice on another site at the moment. You should be allowed to minimod if you minimod nicely.
I know that feeling. I usually get **** thrown at me all the time. It's better to be nice to people than give them reason to dislike you even more though ^_^
To give them reason to dislike you? That's kinda weird but you do you :)
No! I trick people to get what I want. I'm unbanning myself from a forum, then taking care of the rest.
Good luck?
Just don't manipulate people. That'll get you in a whole lot of trouble >_<"
I only like to talk about the past, BECAUSE IT WAS SO UNFAIR! What if they won't know I'm tricking them unless it's too late?
I think that counts as manipulation... I'm no expert but just don't intentionally harm somebody unless they killed your dog or something horrible 0_0
Jeezums! I don't think it's right to hurt them back. Well, I mean, if they killed your dog then yeah maybe.
What exactly did these people do to make you wanna hurt them?
Edit: But I think you should calm down. I'm not going after the bullies in elementary school or my ex-boyfriend. Just fly in the wind and move on buddy. Unless they killed your dog. (I keep saying that to emphasize how drastic things should be for you to have completely valid reason to retaliate)
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