Favourite sky?


I like the purple sunrise and the orange sunset.They're pretty rare...I've been playing New Leaf pretty much since it came out and I've seen only a handful of these.

Cloud! Cumulonimbus clouds.

"In New Leaf, some towering vertical clouds known as cumulonimbus clouds can appear in the sky between the hours of 9am and 3pm in the month of August. They can also appear at any time of year during the Island Tours. They will appear very large and look like cloud-like mountains in the background." -AC Wiki

The pic is from my town Olivine. Look for the DA in my profile. I just finished it this week. :)
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I see. Skin charred and blackened from the heat may be a bit more tan than you had in mind?

hell yeah!
With the Welcome Amiibo update they should have added a tanning bed.
I used to leave my 3DS on while I'm at the islands to keep my tan.
The aurora, cumulo clouds, stormy, orange and purple...can't choose! I love to look at the sky in game and irl. What an amazing game, right?

Oh, yes, and rainbows...double ones! Symbol of hope!
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I like the sky with the rainbow that shows up after it rains sometimes. It's fairly spectacular...
The rare evening orange sky. The rare morning purple sky looks like you?re in a sweet pastry food world.
the purple sunrise <3 purple is my favourite colour and one of my towns is purple themed so this sky is always a treat. the orange sunset is gorgeous too, and i see it quite often.
rainbows by far!! auroras are a close second though ^_^ i'm a fan of big shiny colorful things in the sky lol...
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I love the auroras cause they always take me by surprise. Just tonight I put down my game for a good second, came back, and there are those rainbow ribbons across the sky(e).