I'm forced to say things that don't make any sense

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Senior Member
Dec 11, 2017
Old Eggs
Ever since that incident on July 12 this year that didn't require any talking. Getting a pizza...
Nice to see you survived the intake of all that CO, and the potential heart attack from yesterday.. :rolleyes:
Well I lied because all those people were mistreating me and I don't like what Mimi the Great and Ray did to me on that other forum, and for people on question.com deleting my food poisoning questions, so maybe that was a way to get back at them.
Well I lied because all those people were mistreating me and I don't like what Mimi the Great and Ray did to me on that other forum, and for people on question.com deleting my food poisoning questions, so maybe that was a way to get back at them.

Yup I think everyone knew you were lying anyway. No sane person would be in a genuine medical emergency and write about it on a forum lol :rolleyes:

Sorry you feel you were being mistreated, but lying won’t make you any friends either :p
And when I told my mom my vgc account wasn't working, she thought I had a virus on my computer when that wasn't the case when the other account was working fine. **** the fact I have two accounts. I pretend it's my brother. This is the reason why I mispronounce words in the first place. All over a ****ing 911 call for carbon monoxide which was hypothetical.
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