What is the last film you watched?

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I stumbled across Snowtime! on a TV channel yesterday, which is basically a remake of Qu?bec's classic The Dog Who Stopped the War (1984). In this movie, snowball fight is taken way more seriously than one would usually expect.
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baby boss. i needed background noise while i did homework, and the movie was on netflix. it was kinda entertaining, not gonna lie
I saw the new star wars last night
Spent today watching Star Trek I and The Wrath of Khan. Both great movies!

Now I'm gonna watch Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. This oughta be interesting. ^^
I haven?t watched a movie for a while. I watched A Dog?s Purpose late last year, and tbh I didn?t really like it that much.
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Gamera the Brave. I love kaiju movies & turtles so I really enjoyed it!
Three Billboards : 8.8 / 10

Touching, tragic, funny and sad. Savage dialogue and great performances.....best film I have seen at the cinema in quite a while
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