Very Short Stories (a word dump - critiques welcomed)


sans n pap need to be protected under all costs
Feb 14, 2016
Old Eggs
New Horizons Token
Pink Hybrid Lily
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
The Bell Tree Fair 2016 Patch
May Birthstone (Emerald)
I'm just gonna dump all of my brain spouts onto here, cause I really have no motivation to write them down or anything. If you like one, tell me! If you don't like one, tell me! And give me reasons why! I'm always looking for ways to grow. I do have a Wattpad, however I don't update it as much as I used to. I'm kinda scared to go through my old stories written on there anyway, due to them being made when I was in, like, middle school? Freshman year? Idk. The ones I'm currently working on aren't published yet, so there's no reason to give my username yet. Besides the point.

Some of my stories are less of stories and more like rambling, so if you read one that is really bad and confusing, just know that I didn't really try on that one and it was more just a spill of my thoughts. Sorry not sorry.

I'm not 100% sure how I'm gonna format this quite yet, but I'll figure it out soon enough. For now, here's a spill I wrote a couple days ago to start us off. Even though, I admit, it isn't my best.

Looking up at the stars, they look so close to one another, so shiny. The moon seems so large compared to the others, so bright. But nothing is ever as it seems, is it? The closer you get the more is revealed, the unwanted parts, the hidden.

The stars are millions of lightyears away from each other, never experiencing company in it's lifetime. They sit, and continue to shine, in pure loneliness. Each star lives a life alone from the day it is created to the day it explodes. But when they explode, they show beauty. A plethora of colorful dust, rare elements, and new matter arises from what was once a sheltered, isolated, ball of fire. The star doesn't need to be near other stars to be beautiful.

The moon, though closer to anything than the stars would ever wish to be, is only illuminated by the sun. It doesn't shine on it's own. It's beauty is relied on another source. Without it, it is nothing but a dark rock. A small dark rock, for that matter. The moon is debatably one of the smallest pieces of matter in the solar system (comparing it to the stars and plants surrounding it). The closer you get to the moon, the smaller it becomes, and the better you see what's hidden. An entire half, covered in complete darkness. A side no one sees. The part the sun does not touch is left forever unknown.

Don't be a moon. Be a star. Be beautiful with who you are; within only yourself. Not others, close or far. Everything pent up inside of you will one day explode, and you will be better than you ever were. Show everyone your rainbow of colors, leaving nothing hidden in the dark.
I'm gonna try and keep this on the first page so I can find it easier lmao
wow I may or may not actually post a lot here but I'll try
I think I might add to this tonight
I stood there, the gun cold in my hands, pointed straight at Alex's heart. He was trained to fight people like me, insane people. Yet he didn't, even in self defense. He kept his promise. He wouldn't hurt me. But that's the thing--I would hurt him. Not me, but the person inside me, the one controlling me; the voices would hurt him. The voices that helped me through those who hurt me, are now hurting me the most.
"M-McKenna," Alex stuttered, with his hands up in the air.
"I'm sorry," I said, letting tears flow from my eyes, "I'm so so sorry."
"There's a reason I chose you, there's a reason I told the other guards to leave, and it wasn't because I trusted you, or because I thought I was tougher than you, but because I could relate to you, I could understand, I could help. I love you," he exclaimed with his shaky voice.
I looked away, forcing a tear to the concrete below me. My grip tightened around the trigger, but not enough to let a bullet loose. If I didn't kill him, the voices would kill me. If I did kill him, I would kill me. I turned back to look Alex straight in the eyes. Oh, his beautiful, shining, blue eyes.
"Love can't fix the broken," I cried in a strained voice, turning the gun to my temple, "but this can."
"McKenna!" Alex yelled, lunging towards me. I smirked, getting in the last laugh. A hard, warm lump formed in my throat; and I could feel it close up. He couldn’t save me, no one could. I’m mental. There’s no “saving.” Before he had time to grab the gun, I let my fingers press against the trigger, and with a loud bang, everything went black.