Giveaway Paying off your house loans and PWPs


Queen of Ducks
Jun 20, 2017
Old Eggs
May Birthstone (Emerald)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
100% (91) +
I have too much IGB in my ABD that I think more people can benefit from, since I'm never gonna use it. If you need a house loan or a public works project you need to pay off, just reply the amount you need, your FC, and your town name. I would prefer it if you liked my posts so I know you commented and that you add my FC first. I'll only allow 2 visits per person.

My FC is in my sidebar and I'll be coming in from Meridale (may change characters). I will close this service once all my money is gone.

mayorashe - X

Also happy Thanksgiving to everyone who's clocks say that it's November 23rd!
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not sure actually, I do have a rose sofa and violet screen that is in my house I can put out. Would you like to come over?

Ah I already have the rose sofa, violet screen, cosmos fan and lily record player, just looking for the rest of the set.

I'll pass.
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i'd like to come, please. town is quaktown, mayor is kate, fc is over to the left
we've already added eachother i believe :)
tarte * tessa
ready when you are :)