Anyone else on here a bit of a hypochondriac?


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2017
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Green Candy
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
White Pansy
Whether mildly or clinically. And if so, how do you deal? Are you a symptom-googler, a hygiene obsessionist, a death fearer, a compulsive-thought-haver?

(also anyone relate to Turtles All the Way Down?)
I have pretty regular meltdowns about the reason I'm 100% sure I'm gonna die, so probably.

I don't really know how to cope because it keeps hitting me in different ways, aahh...
i'm really bad. a little lump in my ear? tumor. feeling itchy at night? feeling some spots? meningitis. feel pulse and pressure on head? brain tumor. runny nose? csf. lump on finger? parasite.
I am about my mental health. I keep feeling as if I really relate to the symptoms, and I become convinced. Then I read experiences and just forget the whole thing.
However, I do firmly believe I may have avoidant personality disorder, and this isn't my hypochondria speaking whatsoever. I relate to every symptom and experience I've read up on. I'm very aware everyone's experiences are different, but this speaks to me on astrological levels.
i used to be really really bad with physical health. one time i witnessed my sister puking and it somehow scarred me, i used to be so afraid of getting sick. i would stay up all night wondering if i had a horrible disease if i had a weird pain in my arm, or a headache. luckily i have a good immune system so i hardly get sick however if i show a few symptoms of something bad i'll already be preparing for the worst
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i am a bit, if i feel like something abnormal is happening. for instance lately my wrist has been hurting a little bit and ive been like "im gonna get carpal tunnel before im even a legal adult"

but not too bad... most of the time.
Oh god yes I deal with Hypochondria a ton, anything i feel that seems odd I look up and then I believe I have the illness. :(

Usually I just try and relax and get some reassurance from my Mom that Im doing fine and that it's just a simple flu or such.
I wouldn’t say I have hypochondria, but I have anxiety so I sometimes get obsessive about my health. For weeks I was convinced I was going to get schizophrenia, and I’m terrified of getting bacterial mengingits for some reason
Not exactly? I tend to look up symptoms and such but I only bring it up to doctors if I'm convinced. Sadly I've been right in more than one case and my physical health is steadily declining. My mental health has been bad for years already as well.
I'm basically a mess of confirmed physical and mental issues. Sucks.
I mean, when I had a tooth infection a couple of years ago and the pain was so severe, going up the side of my face straight up to the top of my head, I thought something was wrong with me and I thought it might be the end. I had suspicion that it was a bad tooth, but I did not think a tooth infection could lead to such severe pain.

My worst case of this had the reverse effect - I did not seek doctors or make a big deal about it to anyone. I was so deeply a hypochondriac that I was convinced that these medical issues could not not be helped and also would take their course quickly. I was wrong, but the medical issues are still very real and severe and I should have gone to doctors about them.