Are you an optimist, pessimist, realist,opportunist, or idealist?

Which are you?

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I think I'm mostly a realist, with a mix of optimism and pessimism occasionally.
Pessimists it?s because of my anxiety it tends to make you think negatively when u worry all day everyday about anything and everything.
I'm both a realist and a pessimist. I always expect the worst to happen, but because of that, I go into any situation prepared for almost any negative outcome. For the poll, I selected realist because I generally accept that bad things are likely to happen.
I'm definitely optimistic, but also very idealistic. I want the best to happen in every opportunity. I look forward to many things and spend my time dreaming of a perfect world or lovely scenarios!
Likely a pessimist, ideally I would like to be a realist but anxiety is something else.
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