Opinions on Vaping

Ehh. I tried it (my uncle makes vape pens/ juice and gave me and my boyfriend one each to try) but I don't care for it. I really don't like the sickly sweet smell.
I vaped for 2 years so I would quite smoking. It helped me a lot, and my lungs started feeling better, and my smokers cough went away. However, I recently stopped because it was making me cough, and I couldn't hardly take a puff without hacking. It might be better than smoking, but I think it's best to not get started on it. I would only recommend vaping for people wanting to stop smoking.
i was smoking since i was 11 which was EXTREMELY stupid, no one start smoking, and i switched to vaping in February and im never going back to smoking. i like vaping but i dont like people that dont respect the fact that other people do. like when people vape in outdoor eating areas, not cool.
i was smoking since i was 11 which was EXTREMELY stupid, no one start smoking, and i switched to vaping in February and im never going back to smoking. i like vaping but i dont like people that dont respect the fact that other people do. like when people vape in outdoor eating areas, not cool.

I started when I was 11 too. And yes, it was the stupidest thing I've ever done. I also agree with the outdoor eating. I vape, but I treat it like smoking. I make sure not to vape in public areas, unless it's away from others. Great job on quiting those nasty cigarettes. :)