Did you have a lot of friends in school?

I did when I was a little kid, but when I got older social anxiety and other mental health issues hit and I became a total loner with the exception of one best friend
Not really. I used to have two super good friends that would drag me to their bigger friendsgroup, but I couldn't get along with anyone of them.. and in the end the two friends I had turned against me and I ended up alone. Oh well. At least I became the person I am today and didn't get influenced by their bad behavior 👀
The answer is no. I only had one real friend when I was in elementary school before I moved out of the city where I lived. That was pretty much it.
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No and I prefer being alone, because I am just fed up of being mistreated, betrayed, manipulated and being forgotten about.
I thought I did, but did I really? Only a select few are still my friends (sadly not my best friend in my senior year going into college =( ). Not that I can blame them, high school me could be very hard to deal with because I just such a miserable and overtly dramatic person.
I had a moderate amount in high school and none in college lol I went to the local community college so I didn't have any dorm's or activities I could meet people through. I had friends like, I would see outside of school but not during.

I made most of my friends through my jobs over the years.
Yes and no. In elementary school, nobody liked me so I switched friend groups once a week. I only had one friend since then, who I still am best friends with after 11 years. In middle school, I had 3 friends but I cut them off since they were toxic. For the rest of that time, I just hung out with my best friend and her friend group. Now in high school, somehow i'm in 2 friend groups. One consists of my band/theater friends and the other is just a group of people that a couple of my middle school friends made of people we met when we got to the school.
Nope. I only had 3 friends in total in elementary school, but after that I had none for the entirety of my secondary school and university years. School was rather lonely for me, though I didn't feel the true magnitude of that loneliness until after I graduated.
i had a good amount of friends! i spoke to a lot of people and had plenty of people to hang out with regularly. i dont talk to any of them anymore though, i dont have much time for friendship at the moment anyways so it doesnt bother me c: im happy to have all the memories
no. i have zero other than my brother, but i don’t know if i should even call him a friend since he’s related to me. i’m a sophomore so i’ve been at my current school for a year but my brother is a freshman and he’s made more social progress than me. he doesn’t even get up to talk to people, people just randomly talk to him. i’m just convinced i give off an intimidating vibe. i don’t know how im supposed to approach people ive never talked to and i don’t know how to look friendly.
Not really. There was one person that hung out with me, but she had loads of people. The rest just ignored me out of school, oof.
I don't have a lot of friends, but I do have a few close ones, which I think is better than having a lot of friends. I can talk to them about anything, and going places is super easy with just 4 or 5 other people. My group consists of 7 people including me, 1 doesn't go to our school, 1 is one of the group member's little sisters, and the other 5 go to my school. The one that doesn't go to our school still hangs out with us when we go places, and all of us are usually calling on discord on the weekends, or playing a game together. The little sister is actually really chill and cool, sure she's in middle school, but she is mature for her age, so she still feels like a high schooler with us. Of course, we don't talk about certain topics/subjects around her. The other 5, I hang out with them every day during lunch. The older sister of the younger sister is one of my closest friends in this group, I go to her house every single day after school, and although she is dating someone, we still are planning to go to Prom together. We tend to schedule hangouts without the others because we feel like we can talk about stuff easier with each other, and sometimes it gets overwhelming with everyone there.
I don't consider myself having a lot of friends compared to my peers. In total, for each school I went to, I've only kept maybe 3-4 people close to me. So in total thats a little over 10 people in the course of my school life. Not super bad I guess, but I don't think I'd consider myself socially active either. I like low maintenance friendships.

Sometimes I feel lonely if the 3-4 people I usually hang out with have other things to do. I just go home in that case, or the library if I still need to be at school. I actually like being alone at times, but I do get conscious about other people maybe judging me for being alone.

I kind of miss some old friends I had who I lost connection to because it wasn't convenient anymore (we weren't classmates anymore). Kinda sucks but it happens.
In 5-6th grade, I was involved with a bad group of fake friends. They talked bad about me and made me feel bad about myself all the time. In 7th grade, I met my now best friend. He made me feel loved, and I appreciate him so much for that. In 8th grade, I made the best decision of my life to join the band. I made so many friends, I would actually consider them family. We were all so close, and they accepted me for me. Our band director was the most supportive, loving dude I've ever known. I'll cherish them all for that throughout my entire life. <3
I used to but they all left me. Here's my story about them. The first friend I made was this 7th grade boy who sat next to me and started to talk to me. He was a bit weird at first, but sure enough I talked and we soon became friends. He was asking me if I had a "Myspace" this was back in 2008 when Social Media wasn't huge at the time. So I created a myspace account and we became friends on there. Then things started to take a dark turn by the time I got to High School. He began hanging out with friends and for whatever reason he starting calling me names and started making fun of me. It was then I started to realize his behavior changed. Then he started to spread false rumors about me that were not true and everyone was laughing at me. It was then I realized that he turned into a Bully and I was already dealing with personal life issues back at home and it was enough to make me snap. I told him that I was going to end friendship and he just didn't seem to care, so by 2011 we stopped talking to each other, but by the time it was over I was already feel depressed.

The recent best friend that I had to cut ties with I'll talk more about him. I met him way back in Elementary school in 5th grade. He was a weird kid, but he would always make jokes and was known to be a funny guy. However when he started to talk to me about what my favorite games were, thats when I started to talk to him and then we became friends. I haven't seen him since, but then I saw him in 11th grade in high school during the time I cut ties with the last friend. He came up to me and he was talking more about what he was going through in his life and didn't seem that bothered about what was going with me. I mean he was there for me, but something about it just seemed off. Over the years we kept in touch on Facebook, but the only time he would talk to me was when he would just talk about what he has done in his favorite game and I began getting tired of it. I pretend to like it just so he would not get mad at me, but deep down I was going through so much personal issues.

It was then when I finally started to vent about my issues he downplayed it and acted like what I was going through wasn't a big deal to them and telling me that I just need to "make more friends" when he said this I got so angry and just unfriended him after that. After holding back my struggles for so long this was the response I get? Instead of being supportive or trying to understand where I'm coming from with my issues he just downplayed it and gave me unsolicited advice about making friends. I spoke to my Therapist about this and he told me that I don't need people like him telling me things that they think work best for me. I need to be around people who offer their support for me when I'm feeling down and respects me for who I am. The truth is its very rare, because I had some other friends who would say "I'll always be here for you when you need me" but then as the years go by they forget about me and they will act like they never seen before which makes me feel more depressed and hurt.

So yeah thats my history about making friends. Like I mentioned I am just done with making friends because all this pain and suffering that I had to deal with throughout my life has just become way too much and I just realized that I just need to foucs on myself more and not be around others who try to change me for who I am. That is why I am not cut out to make friends, because they will never understand what I was going through and what I had to put with all these years ago.
I used to but they all left me. Here's my story about them. The first friend I made was this 7th grade boy who sat next to me and started to talk to me. He was a bit weird at first, but sure enough I talked and we soon became friends. He was asking me if I had a "Myspace" this was back in 2008 when Social Media wasn't huge at the time. So I created a myspace account and we became friends on there. Then things started to take a dark turn by the time I got to High School. He began hanging out with friends and for whatever reason he starting calling me names and started making fun of me. It was then I started to realize his behavior changed. Then he started to spread false rumors about me that were not true and everyone was laughing at me. It was then I realized that he turned into a Bully and I was already dealing with personal life issues back at home and it was enough to make me snap. I told him that I was going to end friendship and he just didn't seem to care, so by 2011 we stopped talking to each other, but by the time it was over I was already feel depressed.

The recent best friend that I had to cut ties with I'll talk more about him. I met him way back in Elementary school in 5th grade. He was a weird kid, but he would always make jokes and was known to be a funny guy. However when he started to talk to me about what my favorite games were, thats when I started to talk to him and then we became friends. I haven't seen him since, but then I saw him in 11th grade in high school during the time I cut ties with the last friend. He came up to me and he was talking more about what he was going through in his life and didn't seem that bothered about what was going with me. I mean he was there for me, but something about it just seemed off. Over the years we kept in touch on Facebook, but the only time he would talk to me was when he would just talk about what he has done in his favorite game and I began getting tired of it. I pretend to like it just so he would not get mad at me, but deep down I was going through so much personal issues.

It was then when I finally started to vent about my issues he downplayed it and acted like what I was going through wasn't a big deal to them and telling me that I just need to "make more friends" when he said this I got so angry and just unfriended him after that. After holding back my struggles for so long this was the response I get? Instead of being supportive or trying to understand where I'm coming from with my issues he just downplayed it and gave me unsolicited advice about making friends. I spoke to my Therapist about this and he told me that I don't need people like him telling me things that they think work best for me. I need to be around people who offer their support for me when I'm feeling down and respects me for who I am. The truth is its very rare, because I had some other friends who would say "I'll always be here for you when you need me" but then as the years go by they forget about me and they will act like they never seen before which makes me feel more depressed and hurt.

So yeah thats my history about making friends. Like I mentioned I am just done with making friends because all this pain and suffering that I had to deal with throughout my life has just become way too much and I just realized that I just need to foucs on myself more and not be around others who try to change me for who I am. That is why I am not cut out to make friends, because they will never understand what I was going through and what I had to put with all these years ago.
People like that just suck. I can't believe there are humans on this Earth that actually have no heart. I'm so so sorry you had to go through all of that. People are jerks, and the best thing to do is forget about them. Just ignore what negative crap people say about you, because I promise you, none of it is true. You seem like a very nice person, though I don't even really know you. Just know I care about you. Again, I know I don't know you, but I'm still here for you. Cut people like that out of your life. Negativity is never needed.