if you could learn any in a short time... what language would you want to learn?


Jun 25, 2017
Old Eggs
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
New Leaf Token
Personally id like to just understand Japanese I don't really even care if I couldn't speak or write it all I want to do with it is play language locked games like untranslated games like Fe and mother's too bad it prob is the hardest one to learn ( I mean woow they have a LOT of characters! )

But what would you want to learn?
not 2 sound like a total weaboo but japanese lol, i started learning it a bit years ago and i have interests where it could to good to be able to read japanese.
maybe i would choose german even though i have always hated learning german in school. i think it would feel a bit nice to be able to speak a language i have studied for five years so that the things that came out of those lessons weren't only pain and suffering lmao
Hmm... I would love to learn Japanese (Splatoon, ya know)
And MAYBE Russian just because its a funny language :p
Brazilian Portuguese
Ancient Egyptian
Ancient Greek
Anatolian (it's extinct though)
Latin (classical)

I'd also probably create my own language.
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Portuguese :3

Been listening to music from there for some years now and I like the language so, yeah.
German. I was gonna take a German class while in college, and if I already know it then I get easy A!

Plus I can be further ahead in it than my brother is :lemon:
Definitely some sort of asian language, whichever would be more practical to have.
Swahili, Russian, Portuguese or Cantonese! Russian and Cantonese because I love how they sound but am too lazy to actually learn them because of all the grammar, Portuguese because it'd be nice to understand more of the music I listen to and Swahili because I'm interested in African studies and want to learn even just one African language
japanese, so I can play nintendo games before they're localized :,) (also for certain weeb reasons)
I really want to learn Korean! Yes Ima understand everything in Kpop and what is my bias saying! No more subs for me! I also want to learn Vietnamese because it looks to cool!
Japanese would be my pick with Arabic right behind. Both are beautiful languages. I listen to a lot of music in different languages but those two have been so charming to listen to. :)
I'd like to know Korean as it's the language of the country I was born in.
Japanese for A E S T H E T I C.
But really, probably Japanese because it'd be cool to understand the characters and play Japanese-exclusive games like Animal Forest.
Swahili, Russian, Portuguese or Cantonese! Russian and Cantonese because I love how they sound but am too lazy to actually learn them because of all the grammar, Portuguese because it'd be nice to understand more of the music I listen to and Swahili because I'm interested in African studies and want to learn even just one African language

Can I move to you so we can try learn Portuguese together? : D

But yeah if I had to pick an African language I'd probably pick some Portuguese-based kriolu because I listen to music and stuff from eg. Guinea-Bissau and idk it would be cool to know tbh
Can I move to you so we can try learn Portuguese together? : D

But yeah if I had to pick an African language I'd probably pick some Portuguese-based kriolu because I listen to music and stuff from eg. Guinea-Bissau and idk it would be cool to know tbh
Ikr! I want to understand Super Mama Djombo's lyrics so bad. I'd take up Guinea-Bissau creole in a heartbeat if you could learn it here. Unfortunately my uni mostly just seems to have Swahili with an occasional course in some Southern or Eastern African language. :|