Natural Hair Color

What is your natural hair color!

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I'm a natural redhead, but I often dye it different colors. I am trying to stop the coloring for awhile and go back to my natural red because it was starting to get damaged.
I've never dyed my hair but it gets lighter from sun exposure. It's brown, but it has a lot of coppery tones in it. If I did ever dye my hair, I'd like to go bleach blonde/nearly white colored. But that's so damaging and its a lot of maintenance to keep up with since I have really long hair.
My natural hair color is dirty blonde, but I always dye it to some variant of medium brunette.
my hair is naturally a dirty blonde colour, but it bleaches a LOT very easily in the sun so i end up with bright blonde highlights and brown undertones haha
i dyed my hair pastel purple 2 months ago, though its faded to a pink with lilac tones now hah
I've got black hair and have never dyed it. I've often been curious to see how I look in different hair colors but cosplay fortunately satisfies the curiosity. :p
My natural hair color is dark, dark brown, not black. I've dyed it many different colors, but right now it's sort of blonde, sort of caramel, sort of brown. I want to dye it all-over gray next. I don't really like my natural hair color, I think it washes me out and it's quite bland and boring.
I have black hair, which was originally brown. I didn't dye my hair and it turned by itself.

I don't dye my hair, I'm quite happy with my hair colour.
My natural hair is dark brown. I dye it sometimes, but other than a couple light streaks from the last time I bleached my hair, it's pretty much it's normal colour right now.
My natural colour is a dark brown. I bleach it and then use an ash blonde toner.
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I'm naturally blonde, but I have a feeling my hair will turn brunette one day, this happened to my dad and my hair get darker bit by bit. I've dyed it brown, red and pink (the pink was actually an accident lol). I love redheads, and because my grandpa was a redhead I'm hoping my kids will one day be redheads ha!
I have naturally black hair :) I used to dye/bleach it a lot and it destroyed my hair, so I chopped it all off and have been growing it out for about 3 years now.. It's so long and black and beautiful again! I really want to try to put some pink in it, but now I'm pretty scared to lol.