what game made you bought the 3ds?

I wanted one for ACNL when the game was announced. Waited for the 3DSXL to be released before buying the system.
While I waited I played Professor Layton games and some puzzle games. I'm now addicted to pokemon.
I was obsessed with getting pokemon, so my boyfriend bought me a 3Ds along with Pok?mon X. Now I have around 11-15 games for it.
I went and got the 3DS on a whim to be able to play Pokemon Soul Silver. Afterwards I purchased Paper Mario: Sticker Star and then both Pokemon X and Y, preceeding Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby
Mine was actually a gift, LOL! I didn't even play on it for a long time until I remembered about Animal Crossing. Now I haven't been able to put it down. :)
Mainly Animal Crossing New Leaf, but also some other games like Nintendogs + Cats or Pokemon Rumble
Blast back at the time (both games are also the first games I got for the 3DS).
I got the 3DS a little while after release, the day OOT 3D came out. I was planning on getting one anyways due to how much I loved the DS and how much it was part of my earlier days. I guess OOT 3D was what I got it for? I mainly just use my DSes as Pokemon Machines now, though.

I'm glad I was able to experience the 3DS for all that it's been so far, it's been a really fun time. When youtube for the 3DS came out, even if it wasn't the BEST, I adored the thing, because I finally had something I could lay down and watch youtube with(Yeah I didn't have a phone for the longest time, I was one of those stupid kids who wanted to be "Out of the norm" or something stupid).

The only thing that the 3DS needs is a Totino's Pizza Rolls game, and then it will be the best system ever made
nothing "made" me, i bought the special edition 3ds xl animal crossing new leaf one when it went on sale on ebay after it first released though
I originally got a 3DS so that I could use the online functionality (trading, wifi battles, etc.) in Pokemon Black & White. That might seem strange, but at that point the DS consoles only used WEP wifi instead of WPA, and WEP is a less secure connection. It was also a purchase made planning for future Pokemon releases.
Animal crossing. Also pokemon X and Ocarina of Time, but more so animal crossing.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf of course! I was still in highschool and super broke. I saved all the money I made babysitting over the summer to buy one and a new copy of ACNL. Lol. One of the best decisions I've made... or maybe the worst. I'm still addicted. I can't stop playing...
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Pokemon X or Y made me wanting to get a 3DS fast. I always have liked the Pokemon series since I was a toddler back in my Diamond/Pearl/Platinum days. I had to check out the new content in those games.
I originally imported an American 3DS with Nintendogs + cats: Golden Retriever and Friends. Then I sold them to a woman in London for ?220 six months later because I never used it.

When Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Pok?mon X had confirmed release dates I bought a second (PAL) 3DS. :)
Pokemon Sun and Moon.
I had been wanting to get a 3ds since I saw the Let's Plays of Pokemon X & Y and Chuggaaconroy's Let's Play of AC:NL, but told myself I wasn't going to get a game system for just one (or two) game(s).
Watching poketubers play Sun and Moon really made me want to play it. I didn't just want to watch, I wanted to actually play the game and experience it for myself.
So, in January 2017 I bought a New 3DS XL, along with Pokemon X and AC:NL Welcome amiibo.
Nothing in particular. I just wanted a Wii U for Christmas(this was in 2012), but my mom got me a 3DS XL instead. I got into Animal Crossing later.
Tbh I think I just got mine as a normal birthday present? I can't remember if I asked for it in specific, but I would've eventually wanted to get one because of pokemon. I think my 3ds is around 4 years old now and it's still working : p