Types of ACNL players

the perfectionist:

everything must be perfect. perfect town, perfect flower arrangements, perfect path arrangements, perfect villager plot arrangements, perfect themes, perfect everything.
the weeb: only wants japanese exclusive items no matter what the cost or just items with japanese names sanrio,fueki etc
1*2*3*4*12*14, but I'm mostly an interior decorator. I spend so much time on my houses. Always trying to create something unique. I use most of my pattern space on my houses too, then I don't have enough space for my paths.
Literally I'm 1,2,4,5 and 14. Basically, I'm a mad collector and am super acquisitive, but I also love interior styling, landscaping and gardening. These are all my favourite parts of ACNL.
Hi, my name is Ursaring and I'm a copy hoarder. I had to stop at 3 or else I wouldn't have time for anything else. I used to be a resetter, but with 3 towns there's enough variety to keep me happy. Also an interior decorator and item hoarder.
I'm a mix between landscaper, gardener and the person who keeps wanting more copies of the game. lmao
Out of these, I guess I'm an interior decorator/messy. My biggest trait is probably the never-sit-still-er, constantly changing up my town, some of the villagers, house interiors, etc.
I'm definitely a collector, I kept all the dlc I got and all special holiday items(not the furniture though except the creepy series).
I'm messy but only if say the store is closed and my bags are full. I'll drop items in front of my house until it opens. I don't leave things on the ground for long.
I'm definitely the bug/fish/deep sea collector too. Since the original AC my personal policy is first of everything goes to the museum, no exceptions. And I make sure that I get every bug/ fish the first month they are available.
I'm The Gardening Maniac and Badge Maniac :eek: I used to hoard unorderables, but then, I realized I'm never going to need them, not even "in the future". In the future is a fantasy. If I really needed something that bad, I can just buy it from someone else. :rolleyes:
I'm definitely a bug catcher/fisher/diver. Gardener second, collector last (Although I don't have rare items - just odds & ends I found interesting so they sit in storage XD
All Natural: I never time travel. I play day by day and enjoy it.

Collector: I've collected most of the DLC and the storage space is full on all my characters.

Bug Catcher/Fisher/Diver: Catching fish, bugs, and deep-sea critters is one of my favorite things to do in the game.

Gardening Maniac: I take pride in hybreeding and bred every hybrid from scratch. I would say I'm THE Gardening Maniac on TBT.
I'm a Landscaper, Copy Hoarder (so many new ideas!) and Gardening Maniac. I love meeting new villagers and carefully designing a town's theme and layout, so I'm always wanting to add a new town to try something fresh.
I don't know if this is considered an ACNL player, but I've came across a few players who have (and make a lot of bells) aim to get tons of unoderables, and or grow rare hybrids. Basically they just try to get whatever the game offers and instead of keeping it themselves, they enjoy to give to other people rather then hide it all in their storage/keep it in their bank.

They're basically a gifter/very friendly player. I actually liked how giving they were that I decided to follow in their footstep. Of course, I don't have nearly as much great stuff as some of the others lol.
8 (its not that i reset but things mega bother me and i have to fix it), 10, 11, 12 (i love fishing in games, so soothing <3), 13 ,14.
Im 2,4,kind of 5,7,12, and 14

I have 2 copies of acnl but Im about to get another one

I also have a spreadsheet for number 4 to see what i need to get and I'm constantly needing to clean out my storage since its filled with unorderables

For 5, in my main town I don't but in my other one I do it everyday

For number 12, Im really close to finishing my fish encyclopedia just need one fish!

And for number 14, I am OBSESSED with breeding hybrids. I think they are so cool and my town is filled with them. I even have a second save file just so I can save them in her storage.
Inspired by the types of players at club Tortimer thread. :)
Can you think of any more? Which type are you?

1. The Landscaper: wants to create a perfect town, plot resets, makes paths, farms for PWPs, etc.
2. The Interior Decorater: goes out of their way to collect specific furniture pieces and puts a lot of effort in their house design. The first people who post in 'post your room' threads, haha.
3. Badge Maniac: can be found repeatedly doing pointless tasks they don't neccesarily want to do but hey, you get a badge for it! Strives for all gold.
4. The Collector: catalogues everything, has storage full of unorderables.
5. Au Naturel: Refuses to Time Travel, sometimes even to trade, takes each day as it comes and basically plays how Nintendo intended it.

Added by Mega_Cabbage:
6. The Town Reset Addict: A person who simply can't be satisfied with their town, so they reset their town over and over
7. The Copy Hoarder: Can't decide when they have enough copies of acnl. Often seen with three or more towns.
8. The Perfectionist: A person who will reset over the smallest things (dreamy moving out, house not plotted correctly, permanent pwps not wanted).

Added by Dedenne2:
9. The Irresponsible One: The one who runs over all your plants.
10. The Messy One: The one who always drops their items

Added by ~Unicorn~
11. The Friendly Player: always playing with friends in the game.
12. The Bug Catcher/Fisher/Diver- always catching bugs, fishing or diving.
13. The Hacker: loves hacking their town/showing off hacks.
14. The Gardening Maniac: always adding greenery to their town, and farming hybrids.

I'm an Interior Decorator, Badge Maniac and Gardening Maniac tbh. XD

Im the landscaper, the badge maniac, the collector, the perfectionist, and the messy one.

I cant help but think, WHAT AM I?
I am definitely a Badge maniac, Au Natural and Copy Hoarder, lolol.

I have my "default" town, OMGville, my secondary town, Firefly, and Kyoto - where, when I started, I was greeted by WHITNEY!!!
I have waited SO long to have a wolf villager, and it FINALLY happened :D :D
When I saw her, she was surrounded by a warm, golden light and when she spoke to me....her voice. Her VOICE WAS LIKE MELTED BUTTER. Like, the harmonious, soft cooing of angels... ;_;

.....Oh, uh. I like wolves.... O_O