Big or small dogs?


Openly Wolfing
Jun 21, 2014
Old Eggs
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Do you prefer smaller dogs or big dogs?

I only have small dogs (one lap dog and one terrier). And while I love them, I'd also love to get a larger dog some day
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Stop with the clickbait titles boi

All dogs are aborable, whether its a rottweiler, american bulldog, chihauhau or poodle. They're all good.
uhmmm this is discrimination!! all doggos are precious!!!!!
I hate my mind after seeing that title.

I prefer my dogs small. Not Teacup Poodle or Yorkie small, but rather Toy Poodle and Shih Tzu small.

I like them to be a big enough size where you can pick them up and it counts as your daily dose of much-needed exercise without straining yourself too hard. Where you can cuddle them without crushing their spine and more importantly without them crushing yours. I like them to be big enough where when they attack your kneecaps with kindness begging for a share of your hard-earned bag of Doritos they don't knock you over onto your friends causing a chain reaction similar to that of Dominos. That's how big I like my Puppers.
Small ones. Really big ones are too much for me to handle. They're more like horses than dogs. Although bigger dog can be very sweet and mellow!
yapping ones - please burn them.:mad:
medium doges - 100% yes yes:D
big dogs - they have a large surface area, and sometimes slobber which is grim. :(
Golden retrievers are the cutest doges ever to walk the earth.
proof that im obsessed with dogs: I point out any dog to my friends and they get really annoyed, oops. :(
My dog is 23 pounds and at his heaviest he was 26. That's about my limit, I can't pickup anything larger so I guess I prefer that size. I've wanted a pit bull but they're too big for me... ;_;
Big dogs and dog with smush faces are the best. Bonus points for under bites.
Originally I preferred small dogs, but now I prefer large dogs because they are very effective for scaring away perverts/catcalls. (Which are realllly common out here)
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i love allll the dogs!!! but my dog is medium-sized, so i like that the most right now! :blush: