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You are so young. Your life will change and you will change so much in even 10 years. You a just a kid. You writing yourself off like this is not at all accurate. You can do it. Even if you have no talents, you have a lot of time to practice anything. Trust me, adults are a mess and we don't know anything either

i know you wanted people to share their stories too, to show you that you're not alone (and i promise you, you're not), but instead of sharing my issues, i'd much rather let you know:

don't ever ever think you're a waste. i know you're going through a lot right now, and i know it's so frickin hard to stick with real life when things are like this... but that never ever means you don't deserve a place in this world.

always remember that you have your whole life ahead of you. even if it feels like it's unbearable right now, you have to always keep hope that life gets better. because it does. you're only 13 years old- you're at the beginning of your life, and there's so much ahead of you you don't even know. the only thing you can do now is hold on tight until things get better. honestly, it might get worse before it gets better, but trust me, someday the clouds will fade away and the sun will come out, and you'll feel okay again.

i guess what i'm trying to say is that you're valuable. you're valuable even with your family's health troubles. you're valuable even with your social anxiety. you're valuable even if your bank account doesn't say so, and you're valuable even if you don't think you are. you're going to get through this, and i'm rooting for you
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Glad you're alright now :) I have talked to 2 doctors and a temporary school counsellor but they didn't do a bit of help. Nobody wants to help me so how should I even get help? Doctors and people cared about you so you got better, but I'm not going to :(

Dang, I would never drop out of school. I care about getting an education, it's just the socialness and people at school that make me hate it a lot.

counselors + therapist are only there to talk / listen , which can help still but tbh if you have social anxiety i really think medication will help a lot lot more. you need to see a psychiatrist not a doctor or counselor, because they are the ones that can prescribe meds :~)

edit: i like to think all therapist & psychs care about their patients to an extent. My psych basically just asked me questions about why I was there (on my first appointment) to see what my issue was then gave me the medicine & I was on my way lmao

also im really glad to hear you care about education ^~^ i never did when i was younger :c
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I'm so so so sorry about that. :/ I wish there was something I could do to help support you. My life was falling apart back when I was 16. I was institutionalised for mental health issues, my depression and anxiety were at an all time high. I was constantly self harming. My medication refused to work. I had major issues with my pathetic excuse of a father. The only people who cared about me were my grandparents and my mum. It's not as bad as yours but I can kinda empathise with you. At least you have this forum with people you can talk to.

I guess my life was kinda falling apart a couple months ago, too? My mood swings were going crazy, my paranoia was messing up my friendships and relationships, my social anxiety was terrible; I couldn't leave the house, I lost the one person I've loved more than anyone else in the past.
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I'm so so so sorry about that. :/ I wish there was something I could do to help support you. My life was falling apart back when I was 16. I was institutionalised for mental health issues, my depression and anxiety were at an all time high. I was constantly self harming. My medication refused to work. I had major issues with my pathetic excuse of a father. The only people who cared about me were my grandparents and my mum. It's not as bad as yours but I can kinda empathise with you. At least you have this forum with people you can talk to.

I guess my life was kinda falling apart a couple months ago, too? My mood swings were going crazy, my paranoia was messing up my friendships and relationships, my social anxiety was terrible; I couldn't leave the house, I lost the one person I've loved more than anyone else in the past.
I am sorry about that :( hope you're okay now :) there isn't anything that can help though...
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Honey, my life had to be together to begin with in order for it to even be able to fall apart
just think that when you feel there is no going back and you have too many awful thoughts clouding the good ones, there are millions of people going through similar things, they are thinking those awful thoughts and feel trapped, and guaranteed most of them, if not all will make it to the next day, and you making it to the next day is adding to that is an achievement, always make sure to applaud yourself for things that may seem small to 'normal' people, but they take a heck of a lot of might, i know. There are also 24/7 people you can talk to! Those really helped me, For the UK there's the Samaritans and child-line(since you are 13) :lemon: plenty of people care and understand even if the 'most important people in the world' don't everyone's different!! I always thought of it like it takes time for a broken arm to heal, and people will cater to you to suit your physical needs, so why not your mental needs? it still takes time, it needs to be aided just like a broken arm. It may need a cast if the injury is severe, which may be medication for mental illnesses and that's okay, even if you don't feel comfortable taking these, there is no harm in trying and you may even feel they help you bunches, try new things! even if they are small :lemon:
realistically, no. i might not be where i want in life but i refuse to fall into a cycle of depression that i used to get myself into when thinking about my life. i have a job, i have an amazing family, i have great friends. i live in a great place with great opportunities, i may struggle sometimes but i know i'm really lucky to be where i am in life
I'm getting divorced at 27, I was homeless for a year, and now I live in a group home for the mentally ill.

My life's done fallen apart.
Heh, my life isn't perfect either tbh.
My mother abused me as a young child, my father used to abuse young girls, I moved with my grandparents where my grandmother verbally abused me. She was ill. very ill. heart problems, the lot. You can guess what happened to her. We couldn't even afford me a phone for ages nevermind an ipad. I was homeless for awhile but everything kinds fixed itself up since then
Not really. I'd actually say things are looking up all things considered!
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