Getting Villager Pictures


Senior Member
Jul 21, 2017
Old Eggs
Maybe I just haven't played long enough, maybe my villagers have decided to leave town too early - for whatever reason, I still haven't gotten a single Villager picture :eek:

How long has it typically taken you? Are there any specific interactions that raise friendship quicker than others? Is there a way to tell how far along your friendship level is?
I don't think there is any way to tell. I think they just randomly give you their picture whenever they feel like it.

Also, there are other ways you can get pictures from your villagers. You can get them on April Fools, and you can also get them by scanning their amiibo cards if you have any.
I usually just tt to April Fool's day, then I just pull up the guide to figure out which real villager is. And bam! Simple as that.
I got maximum friendship with Lopez, Wolfgang, and Kyle.
Not a single picture though ;(
From what I understand, if they give you a petition and ask you to travel to another town to complete it, they will usually reward you with a rare item. There's even a chance that item might be their picture.
I have reached peak friendship with Mitzi but yet no picture and its aggravating trying to get it, I haven't had any luck so far. Keep trying though, you'll most likely get it, they just give it at random
Thanks to everyone for responding! ^o^
I know I could've just googled it somehow, but it honestly felt good hearing that others have similar struggles *sigh*

I don't use time traveling to get to specific dates, so April Fools Day is a long ways off for me. Still, I'm hoping to get Shari's picture before letting her move in favor of Pashmina
I'm so sorry the villagers are holding back!!

Here are a few tips:

- Complete every request from those you want a picture
- when they ask for fruit always give perfect fruit (ask or buy baskets from other mayors here in the Re-Tail thread - many people have baskets to trade)
- If they ask for furniture always customize it. You get bonus friend points for customizing
- Talk to them at least 3 times per day
- Write them letters with a gift attached

- TIME. Fastest I've ever achieved a photo was a little over 30 days. Maybe other people are faster.

Hope this helps anyone out there wanting photos naturally!

It's a really great feeling of accomplishment when it happens!
I'm so sorry the villagers are holding back!!

Here are a few tips:

- Complete every request from those you want a picture
- when they ask for fruit always give perfect fruit (ask or buy baskets from other mayors here in the Re-Tail thread - many people have baskets to trade)
- If they ask for furniture always customize it. You get bonus friend points for customizing
- Talk to them at least 3 times per day
- Write them letters with a gift attached

- TIME. Fastest I've ever achieved a photo was a little over 30 days. Maybe other people are faster.

Thank you so much for taking the time to write these up <3
Some of them I've started doing on my own - like sending and bringing perfect fruit whenever I can. Other suggestions I hadn't considered yet, like the idea of only giving refurbished items. I'll definitely try this and see where it takes me!

Also, it was very helpful to see an approximate time frame for receiving the pictures. I just had no idea how long it would take and was getting antsy >.>"
Yeah, your best bet is April Fools day, as if you get the villagers right, your guaranteed their picture with is great and easy!
I have been so close to maxing out friendship with villagers, but not quite yet.
It takes a looooong time. :p
Everyone here is right - it takes a long long time - or maybe it feels that way.

When I first got New Leaf my first photo was from Cherry - I had talked to her every day but didn't do all the other things I learned about. Got New Leaf the day it was released - got Cherrys pic in September. About 90 days.

But if you always do the things I listed - EVERY TIME - no matter what - it boosts friendship quickly.

30 days minimum, 90 days on average for me when I really want someone's photo.

Usually I try to focus on one villager at a time.

Bonus: Once you become BFF the chance of getting another photo increases.
That's why some people have many many photos of favorite villagers. :blush: