Splatoon Splattershot Jr. Ability Suggestions (Splatoon 2)


Nature Nuts 🐿️
Aug 17, 2013
Old Eggs
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Splat Easter Egg
Splat Easter Egg
Splat Easter Egg
Splat Easter Egg
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Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
Hey everyone! So I was a Splattershot Jr main in the original game. For awhile in Splatoon 2 I gave up on it and went to Dualies as the Special change from Bubbler to Ink Armor really killed it for me. The other day though I decided to give the Jr another go and I starting playing so much better!

Now, my question is what would you suggest I use for abilites? Most suggestions I find are from the original game, where the Special was the focus. Ink Armor is still decent in my opinion but I'm thinking it's not worth investing a ton of abilites like Special Charge Up, Tenacity or Special Power (Duration) Up. I could be wrong though.

For sure I'm going to be using Ninja Squid (I play terrible without it) and 3 Swim Speed up subs to help offset the slowdown that Ninja Squid inflicts. The rest though I'm not too sure. Stealth Jump maybe (even though it has been nerfed a bit from the first game it still seems good). Ink Resisitance Up possibly to make those quick getaways easier (though I don't know how many I'd need to stack to make much of a difference). Finally I can't decide between Ink Saver Sub or Ink Recovery Up. I super rarely run out of ink with the Jr itself so Ink Saver Main is redunadant... Splat Bombs on the other hand leave me with little to no ink.
Everything is irrelevant when you can use Tri Slosher Trash anyway