What are you doing right now?

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Drawing a better reference for my mayor. The screenshot I took isn't good enough imo
Eating. Can't live without food and yet I make myself wait like 2 hours to eat if I'm hungry lol
I'm currently working on some new drawings of my OC. Trying to improve my style a bit, hopefully before I open my art shop again.
ruining my eyes by using the computer with the lights off bc I'm too lazy to get up and turn them on rip :,^)))
Browsing, eating pizza, drinking coffee and listening to some music.
Drawing a pic of my OC Scarlett and watching King of the Hill. What a great way to spend 2am.
I'm honestly not sure what I'm doing. I'm a bit overwhelmed because my move-in day is tomorrow and I still have stuff I wanna do before I gotta go...
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