Which is your current nickname?~

N-Honey, starflower, lamb, sweetie...

princess, too...
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I don't really have one as I keep ignoring everyone.

But right now my favorite is when Olivia purrs!

She's so adorable
I named my characters what I wanted to see them called, so whenever a villager asks, I have them call me my regular name so that they will stop asking, haha.

Back in Wild World though, I used to go by Bunny after Pinkie had decided that was my nickname. From then on, I wore a bunny hood and completely lived by the monicker. ...That was when I used to frequent a different forum however, and since I was younger it had never occurred to me that there were toxic people out there, so I lost my entire town to some punky kids with a game shark or whatever. You live and learn.
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One of my villagers, I forget who, started calling me B Bear and now Murphy is calling me it D: I don't know how to feel.
In my old town Stitches asked me if he called call me captain cutest thing ever :3 Cuz im older and hes a chubby cutiie bear asdfghjkl idk xD He's one of my faves heh..
Felicity tells everybody to call me DJ C. I don't even know where she got that from.
But yesterday, Muffy requested the nickname 'Chica' to me. I guess that's way more accurate than 'DJ.'
Can't remember who it was but I think it was Wolfgang that first called me Mon amie, which is french for My friend. Best nickname that I ever got, and I won't let them change it lol.
One villager (I can't remember who) asked if they could call me "dearie". I said yes and it has spread like wildfire through my town.
i made everybody call me "big guy" or "stud" but merengue calls me "cupcake" and stitches calls me "boy toy" i'm kind of embarrassed now typing it out lolol