What's your opinion on hacked dream towns?

I don't mind hacked towns, I think a lot of them look nice! As long as there's no way hacking can damage a non-hacker's game.

I used to hack my ACCF town—it is very time consuming and fairly difficult but it can feel rewarding.
I don't hack anymore but if I could I'd move my town tree in one of my towns to a more desirable location...
The Dream Suite is my favorite ACNL feature, and I enjoy dreaming of both hacked and non-hacked towns. It really doesn't matter to me either way. Both types of towns can involve intense planning and hard work, or can be done casually; it just depends on what the creator prefers. My favorite towns are those that have patterns made by the creator, whether it there are paths, or standees, or signs, bedspreads, or whatever--I just love seeing something unique and special.

What I do not like at all is, like others have mentioned, when there are too many trees and bushes blocking the way. That's why it made me sad when a YouTuber who featured my AHS town was walking around some shrubs and immediately was like, "Ugh. I'm trapped, and that's why hacked towns are annoying." Like...no. AHS is hacked, but I made sure that there are no more than 12 trees or bushes planted together, and that it's all safe and easy to navigate. :( If I can barely move in a dream town, I'm going to have Luna wake me up right away. I'll never know how great the rest of the town might be.
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One of my towns is partially hacked. I enjoy experimenting with what you can do and make with a town. Moving the bulletin board, adding festival standees, it's just another way to be creative. Also I'd like to point out that you don't just press a few buttons and your town in perfect, people who hack their towns put time and love into them. It's ok if you'd prefer to visit unhacked towns because more time was put into them because yes, that is the case for most, each to their own. My point is lots of people put time and effort into their hacked towns.
Also I'd like to point out that you don't just press a few buttons and your town in perfect, people who hack their towns put time and love into them.

This 100% *nod*
I have my own personal honor code when it comes to hacking - both because I don't want to "cheat" and to preserve the spirit of the game. For example, every tree or flower I place in the program is one that I've earned myself (either buying, breeding trading etc.), so that Fairbell is developing at a natural pace and still very much looks like a freshman town.

Even without self-imposed moral guidelines :)blush:) hacking can be just as time consuming as in-game development; the time saved by only needing a button click is added elsewhere (because the more things that can be done with a map, the more time is spent planning and making those changes)
I love exploring hacked towns! I am too lazy to do it myself but I think it looks so fun when bushes and bamboo are in lakes, or when people can put PWPs without annoying space restrictions.
While I dont hack myself, I really do enjoy exploring hacked towns - It really interests me + I often find that hackers get creative and sometimes make some stunning towns
Hacked towns usually make me claustrophobic and I get lost so they stress me out. I'm sick of seeing them. Its not I hate them (I don't I get the appeal ). I just want to see more well done not hacked towns.
Well, I've actually never been in a hacked dream town, but to be honest, it just defeats the main purpose of the game. I mean - trees in a river? Not really realistic. So, yes, hacked dream towns kindaaa suck.
I went to a hack dream town not knowing it was hacked and I didn't like it. I like visiting towns that are legit and nice when they aren't hacked, not ones people hack to get things how they want.

But then again, people can do what they want with their towns, but my opinion is I don't like them. I visit DA to get inspiration and ideas for my own town and I don't hack so when I see a town that the person hacked to get a house on the beach, it's a little off putting.
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Hi all,
I don't really have feelings either way about people who hack their towns. It doesn't really affect me or take away from my enjoyment of the game, and what other people do with their towns isn't my business.

But what of hacked dream towns? I love that ACNL introduced the Dream Suite. It's a great way to get inspiration for your town and just to see what other people have created. But I personally find it really disappointing when I go to a dream town and it's really obvious that it's been hacked. Like when there's houses on the beach and trees in the river... I have heaps of frustrations with the limitations on landscaping and whatnot in my own town, but working with what you have is half the fun.

I don't know, maybe I'm just being sensitive? What's your opinion on hacked dream towns?

Doesn't bug me, I'd just personally never hack into my own game...too scared it'd get messed up, and I can not lose my town (or the villagers I currently have). It's my li'l babbu.

I see it more as someone using the restrictions and breaking them to make something new. Sometimes it looks amazing, while other times it's just for them to 'get rich quick' and they want to show off. Which isn't bad, but I prefer when they take a more artistic approach and really get into it. Especially if they can make new villagers based on characters from other media, one time I saw someone make Toriel and they were spot-on with her.
I don't care what other people do to their towns but I avoid dream towns that are hacked because I can't do what they do in my town so I'd just get sad lmao.
I don't have a problem with people hacking their towns but I can't say I like it either. There are people that say, "people with hacked towns put a lot of work into their town too" well yeah but they can obtain everything easily. Don't compare your hacked town to vanilla towns is all I'm saying, vanilla towns may not look as flashy but people definitely put more work into it.
I originally wanted to hack my town but I have a old 3ds with 11.4 soooo... I kinda can't! I kind of get disappointed exploring hacked towns because they're all so pretty and I can't do that with my own town :( but I don't have a problem with it, I just wish people wouldn't go so overboard with it considering most of the dream towns that look pretty and you can visit via dream suite are ridiculously hacked. Before the update there was less of it and honestly I found it a little better.
I don't really like hacked dream towns. It's annoying and sometimes repetitive, because a lot of those towns have houses/pwps where they shouldn't and it just gets kind of boring. I've only been to one hacked dream town that I liked, and it was a unique jungle themed one. It is their games though, so they should do what they want with it.
hey guys i am new to this forum so I'm not sure what I'm doing yet hahaha but I have one question that I think was best to ask here, I really enjoy using the dream suite and visiting loads of towns..see if I visit a hacked town is there any danger to my own town/game in any way? I read somewhere hacked dream towns can cause your own game to crash...just curious if any of you could confirm that I'm safe to visit hacked towns in dreams! Just to clarify I have no issues with people hacking their towns also! :)
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If they hack it, let them. It's their game, let them play however they want.
I wouldn't do it myself. That's too much time and investment into a game and console to make a minor blip and have it all corrupted or something.

I do wish some things the developers would take into account such as more freedom when designing town layouts but I suppose it's all in the fun and challenge of the game otherwise what would be the point if we could do it all in a day.

I've never explored a hacked town but would do it just out of curiosity.

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Forgot to add, if someone else wanted to hack their town it wouldn't bother me. I just wouldn't want to trade or whatnot with such person on the off chance the items weren't obtained through normal gameplay - that would annoy the hell out of me.
Personally, I LOVE hacked dream towns. I think that they are always an adventure and so much fun, but I wouldn't hack my own ACNL town. People can do whatever they want to with their own town. :)