What's your favorite season in ACNL?

Autumn/Fall. The reddish brownish trees/grass and overall aesthetic, combined with the great mushroom furniture (not to mention mushroom season...BELLSSSS) makes fall my favorite.
Winter!! I love building snowmen and how the campsite tent turns into an igloo, plus the northern lights are always beautiful
August - November is my favorite. So many events happen in that time, and the trees turn such a bright red in November. I also love the mushrooms that pop up and the Fireworks Featival, Halloween, and the Harvest Festival.
i like the spring, and i love love love rainy season! almost everybody else i've talked to doesn't because it's always thunderstorming or at least drizzling during that time of year, but i love the rain so i love it :)
Spring is really cute of course, but I like the cozy feeling of autumn in ACNL!
Each season has their own little charm to them, but personally, I really enjoy spring because the pink trees are so cute/pretty! I also enjoy fall because I enjoy the change from green to brown and I also really enjoy fall in real life!
Hands down it is fall for me.

I love how the tree leaves change color just like in real life. I only wish we could be able to make leaf piles and jump in them in the game, it would be adorable.
But I also like the mushrooms. They come in various shapes and sizes and can help you make some quick cash, or if you get lucky, you end up collecting the mushroom series furniture set, which is a favorite of mine.
I've noticed that most people chose fall because of the mushroom picking activity. What would be your favorite season based off of the activities available?
My personal favourite is winter because I like seeing Isabelle in her winter clothes and I like the crunchy sound of running on snow and the music and the snow-covered trees and building snowmen, but it's great to see all of the seasons and watch the game cycle through - honestly I think that's one of the biggest appeals that this game has to offer.
Autumn and Summer. I like the colors a lot in those seasons.

Summer has some really nice deep greens, and I'm enjoying the color of my bamboo right now. The blue-green tone is really nice. Then Autumn has nice array of oranges and browns. Plus I enjoy yoinking mushrooms.
My favorite season IRL is autumn, but where I live, we don't get a lot of foliage color, so I love seeing the changes in ACNL. A close second is spring, because of the pink, especially during cherry blossom time. It gives everything such a whimsical feeling.
I like spring and summer. I love it when the grass is green. My town looks lively.
Fall but if this counts Cherry Blossom every time I reset my town I make sure that the time is during cherry blossom season xD