Favorite flower combinations?

My favorite so far is pink lillies with blue or purple violets.

I've just started growing black lillies, which I love, but I haven't decided what I like pairing them with yet.
I love these in particular!!

Black roses + white cosmos or orange cosmos
Blue pansies + white lillies or white tulips
Blue violets + black cosmos
Gold roses + anything pink lol

I think it depends on what you're aiming for in your town too but I personally love those <3
I think yellow roses + white roses looks very cute! I'm also a fan of white tulips + red tulips, there's something about it that feels very French garden to me!
I never thought to pair Jacobs ladders and clovers. That's a nice idea I never really put clovers in flower gardens but I might now.
I like pairing tulips and cosmos together, or just a random assortment of all different types of hybrids :)
I like white tulips x any color roses, but for a little while I wanted all my flowers to be purple or have purple undertones ( like white pansies, white violets x purple violets, purple roses, purple tulips).