I'm worried about the 3DS soon going the way of the Game Boy

Considering that the Switch in handheld drains the battery like crazy, I don't see it taking over for Nintendo's handheld side. The 3DS can get around seven to eight hours of battery life (at least mine), and the Switch can't come close to that.

Eventually the system will become obsolete, but that day is not today.

Yeah it look like it will since they made it so hybrid and you pretty much have to dock it to the battery stand thing 24*7. Which is kinda interesting they made it that way if they want it to be as available as the Switch. So unless they upgrade the battery and/or make the screen smaller etc. and lower the price it's probably gonna be like the Wii U thing in a few.
I don't care anymore, tbh. I have way too many 3DS games, and preferring handhelds, I like the Switch just as much (if not more) than the 3DS. Just need more games and the Switch will surpass the 3DS. I just hope they release AC:Switch :(((((

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Nah bruh. Unless they come up with a cheaper, maybe smaller, and a better battery for the Switch I dont think it(3ds) will die.

They will, just give it time.
Honestly, theres a little place in the very back of my gamestop where they have bins of extremely cheap ds games that you can buy like, 2-10 dollars per game, and I feel like if they stopped 3ds games it would be the same concept, that you can ofc find them online, find them in the back of stores but still it would be a sad feel to see them discontinuing 3ds games, I mean they practically stopped making as many now than before, since it is a older system, and I know that in the future just like the original ds/ds lite, they'll stop the games, but I feel like for now that they'll keep making 3ds games for at least until 2018, i'm hoping this because I want more games because I'm too lazy to actually buy any other game than animal crossing new leaf, and my lost game of mario kart 7.
Unless you can play 3DS games on the switch, I don't think the 3DS is going away for a very long time
I think they'll drag it for a few years, I hope they don't shut down the WiFi features too early though. :(
The 3DS has tons of games, so even if they stop supporting it you'd have plenty of content to hold you over for years.
It will happen , every console gets to the point where its not supported by the company anymore and sadly , we will have to deal with it.
I just don't want them to discontinue the Wifi.....
But it would be awesome if we got a new AC game for the Switch! That would make me buy a Switch.
I wish they DON'T make an animal crossing game for the switch because I'm poor and can't afford a console in wich each game cost's upwards of 60 bucks! I would be absolutely overjoyed of another update for New Leaf though! Seeming as I just spent my summer working my butt off to get a 3ds system, acnl, and Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon. Vut I think that the 3ds fam of systems is safe for a while as some like a plain HANDHELD system and not a hybrid console. Also they just released a bunch of new vairiants this year so that shows that nintendo cares somewhat about the system.
As much as I love all of my 3DS systems, I say let it die already. The 3DS family has had more than enough time in the limelight, and a vast library of games to choose from. All it is doing now is hold everything back by keeping standards that were already outdated at its release six years ago (... that horrible, horrible resolution...) alive.
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I wish they DON'T make an animal crossing game for the switch because I'm poor and can't afford a console in wich each game cost's upwards of 60 bucks! I would be absolutely overjoyed of another update for New Leaf though! Seeming as I just spent my summer working my butt off to get a 3ds system, acnl, and Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon. Vut I think that the 3ds fam of systems is safe for a while as some like a plain HANDHELD system and not a hybrid console. [...]

Of course they will release a new Animal Crossing installment on Nintendo Switch! That market has proven to be successful, so why wouldn't they?

I don't know about your financial situation, but it seems like you've got a low-wage job for the type of home you're living in. Based on the price for each product you mentioned and the fact summer lasts about 90 days or so, my calculations lead me to believe you were saving about $3 USD per day. Ouch! At this point, I'd avoid investing on video games until I've found more efficient ways on earning money. Y'know, work smarter, not harder. Could be getting a better job, could be having more connections to the society and richer peoples, and whatnot.

Care to explain on why you'd favor handheld consoles over Switch as a portable gaming device? I'm pretty sure you didn't get to experience the latter's portability in first place due of not having enough funds in first place, so that statement of yours sounds dubious to me.
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I didn't think about wifi going down for it. That would suck since there are already lots of people still using it. I'd hope they wouldn't cancel it yet, since the switch is still pretty new. Id think they'd wait a bit to see if the switch will do well before cutting ties with the 3DS. There are titled coming out for it this year so we have another year at least.
Sorry but the switch is already doing better then the Wii u-- the switch is here to stay and I for one welcome our coming overlords

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All it is doing now is hold everything back by keeping standards that were already outdated at its release six years ago (... that horrible, horrible resolution...) alive.
Yeah that res succs really wish my most reliable handheld had At least 420 ( the Wii u gamepad had 420 and it looked wonderful! ) so glad the switch SWITCHED IT UP by giving a beautiful 720 p!
The 3DS has been out for six years now. It's not like the 3DS has had a short lifespan. Systems come and go. At least the 3DS has gotten a really great library.
Of course they will release a new Animal Crossing installment on Nintendo Switch! That market has proven to be successful, so why wouldn't they?

I don't know about your financial situation, but it seems like you've got a low-wage job for the type of home you're living in. Based on the price for each product you mentioned and the fact summer lasts about 90 days or so, my calculations lead me to believe you were saving about $3 USD per day. Ouch! At this point, I'd avoid investing on video games until I've found more efficient ways on earning money. Y'know, work smarter, not harder. Could be getting a better job, could be having more connections to the society and richer peoples, and whatnot.

Care to explain on why you'd favor handheld consoles over Switch as a portable gaming device? I'm pretty sure you didn't get to experience the latter's portability in first place due of not having enough funds in first place, so that statement of yours sounds dubious to me.

I'm sorry but reading your reply just makes me sick.

"Y'know, work smarter, not harder" Oh shut up, you mentioned that you knew nothing about their situation then you go on to flat out insult their situation.

"At this point, I'd avoid investing on video games until I've found more efficient ways on earning money." There you go again.

I'm sorry, but I found your reply to be quite rude and insulting considering, like you mentioned, YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THEIR SITUATION.

They clearly don't want the 3DS to die quite yet, as they've just gotten it. It's a PERSONAL THING. Besides, if I was looking to buy a console right now, (pretending I haven't ever used either console), I would go for the 3DS considering it has a more vast library atm, and is MUCH cheaper.

BUT OH, I know, it's illegal to think that a 3DS is a better choice, just because the Switch is out. Your argument makes no sense. SMH.
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not quoting bc I’m on mobile and tbt hates me but I’ve never had a problem with the 720p, it stulllooks beautiful to me
I only bought my 3DS last February.
It may have 'had a good run' to some of you, but it's only had an 11 month run with me. :-/

I would only buy a Switch for one game, and that is Animal Crossing.
Until then, I'll happily continue on with NL.
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