What Animal Villager would you be?

Species: Probably bunny. They are adorable. Maybe a deer because they are popular and it's great to be loved.
I'd be Bunnie because irl I'm super upbeat and happy (always motivating people) and one time one of my friends said I'm like a lil' bunny so... ya!
I'd probably be a squirrel or a deer :)
idk which species but i know for sure i'd be one of my crankies. haha.. or maybe a lazy dog like marcel.
okay, i've given it some thought and i'd either be agnes or tammy (she has my bangs lol)
i'd love to say i'd be someone like peppy ruby the bunny, but i think i'm more normal or cranky hehehe

but even if i were cranky or normal i wouldn't be cute like chief/fang or chelsea... i'd probably be like bertha or boyd :')
I'd be a peppy cat villager! I love motivating people and I'm a very excitable person! Cats are my favourite species and they're just super cute! If I was to be a specific villager, probably Rosie! :)