Do you like Julian?

YES. He's my favourite. Smug is my favourite personality and knowing he's a unicorn makes me adore him even more.
Chrystina actually got me a Julian keychain that I attached to my Switch's case, I love it.

Marshal is my favorite smug hands down but Julian my be my second or third. I am not a pony lover but I still find his design pretty cool much luck Drago. Also, seeing as how he is a blue unicorn he reminds me of these guys :p
I can see the appeal, but I'm not really a fan of him. Mainly because of his eyes; if they were open more then I might like him better.
Yeah I like Julian! I love his color and his style, and his house is pretty nice. I had him in my town for a while and I enjoyed having him but he got kind of boring after a while so I let him move away; still, I think he's a nice villager to have. :)
I do love him, but I also just love horses and unicorns in general. Julian and Colton are two of my favorites because of that AND their smug personalities. It's just so fitting! In one of the first towns I ever made Julian moved in naturally right next to my mayor. I remember seeing his plot and being so mad that he was that close to me. Then he moved in and I was like, "Oh. My. God. he'saunicorn!" So my fondness for him goes back a bit lol
I have Julian, I love the horse villagers and zebras are my fave animal.
So I thought I'd have Julian the uni corn and savannah the zebra and some normal looking horses too (Winnie) haha
Personally, I like his color scheme and all, but if he wasn't a unicorn and fit my town's aesthetic then he probably wouldn't be a villager in the first place. He does have a great design and his interior is one of the better ones.