Do you have any talents? What are they?


Senior Member
May 12, 2017
Old Eggs
Do you have any talents that you're proud of or simply want to share? I'm definitely super talented at procrastinating, which isn't something for me to be proud of lol, but hey at least I'm always able to get my work done either way. I'm also pretty talented at decorating, which has always been a really fun talent for me that I would not mind sharing with the world. How about you?
If it counts, I have an absurdly high level of stamina and endurance. Good luck trying to wear this guy out!
Drawing, I suppose. I really must do more of it!
maybe drawing?? though it only really shows when i'm drawing from life, i dont really have a thorough knowledge of anatomy and can't draw from imagination nearly as well.
if that doesn't count then....
i can eat like 5 bowls of cereal in a row
I am pretty good at picking up spoken languages and I can somewhat deduce what people are saying from words and phrases from languages like chinese, malaysian/indonesian, some french. I'm also great at forging handwriting.
pretty okay at drawing but only anatomy and poses i've never experimented with designs or landscapes or animals like most artists usually eventually branch off to trying. i really don't draw enough

i used to be able to hang upside down for a really long time????? maybe not anymore idk lol also i can fit my whole fist in my mouth