User Profiles: Do you look?


greedy heart stealer
Project Staff
May 27, 2017
Old Eggs
Toy Hammer
Pink Heart Balloon
Toy Hammer
Toy Hammer
I always think it's interesting when I get views but I don't particularly find myself to be an interesting individual to garner that click.

Me personally, it's usually if they have a good sense of humor/friendly demeanor, an artist, and what their age is. A lot of people here don't list their age so I'm left being stumped.

If I find someone pleasant, then I feel stuck because I can't just go, "Hi, Ireallylikeyourpersonalityletsbefriends!" 😳

So do you? What made you curious to peek? Specific information you're looking for?
On here? I just think it's fun to browse around to observe people I guess. I mean I wouldn't creep up on them and leave random weird messages but yeah generally I think it's interesting to see what members are around.
Most of the time when I'm on someone profile it's to send them a VM or see their threads/posts if I'm looking for something they posted. Every once in a while I'll actually go see their about me and stuff but it's not often.
Yeah I look for their age and dream address, also if they have a description of themselves I like to read it.
No, I can't say I really do.
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Oh yeahhhh I stalk some of y'all on here! Haha no but for real I normally look to see their age as well c:
only rly to check latest posts and age tbh
Yeah I look for their age and dream address, also if they have a description of themselves I like to read it.

We got a lot of age checkers. But people barely list ages. 🤔

On here? I just think it's fun to browse around to observe people I guess. I mean I wouldn't creep up on them and leave random weird messages but yeah generally I think it's interesting to see what members are around.

Curiosity never hurts anyone!

Most of the time when I'm on someone profile it's to send them a VM or see their threads/posts if I'm looking for something they posted. Every once in a while I'll actually go see their about me and stuff but it's not often.

Well that makes sense about messaging. It's the quickest way to get their attention.

No, I can't say I really do.

That's quite fine. Profiles on here don't do much justice.
Also as far as the whole wanting to reach out to people on here, I suggest you just do it! People here are really nice in our community here so it's not like they'll react negatively towards you wanting to be their friend.
Not unless it's for visitor messages and maybe to see if they're online or not
Yeah, well I do comment if I eg. like their avatar or they have nice music taste or seem friendly but I don't go like HI BRUH WANNA JAV A BLAST unless I know them lol.
I check them to snoop around occasionally, especially if I see them checking my profile. I definitely check them before doing a wifi trade for ratings/town names etc. if they don't have that on their signature. Usually when I do this I rarely see people put their D.O.B/year so I'm surprised so many people go on to check their age.
I did a lot as a moderator. I guess I don't really have a reason to now beyond wanting to leave a VM.
Sometimes, when I need to see if they're online or when they ask me to VM them, or when I VM them back. That's just about it, honestly. I do refresh people's profile a lot though to see if I have any notifications :D
huh. i would have never guessed that people look at other peoples birthdays lol
sometimes i just click on a profile out of interest and then after 10 seconds i do something else
Yeah. Sometimes I get curious and like to read bios or check their age.