Can you change your accent?


Jun 11, 2015
Old Eggs
my sister can do a mediocre british accent, but i can't do accents out loud. i can hear them in my head, and change them accordingly, but i can't actually use them. i know some people are really good at it, but no matter how hard i try to do them, i can only muster up a southern accent.

so can any of y'all do an accent, if so, what?
I can do British, Australian, Indian, and pretty much a lot more as long as I hear someone speaking a lengthy dialogue. I find Asian accents hard to do though, especially Chinese. :( I do wish I could do some voice acting one day but I don't know how to start haha.
Yes, I can and I really want to change mine completely to British, but it's hard to do if you're not around new people. I don't want people to hate on me for it. My American voice is really dull (monotone) and sounds kinda dumb too. When I use my British voice it's actually higher pitched, soft and beautiful sounding. I've gotten a lot of compliments on it.
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With English I can do a real bad Scottish accent, don't ask me for it tho lol.

In Swedish I can imitate a couple of accents we have here, probably because I don't really have an accent on my Swedish normally so yeah :p
I can do a very bad british or southern accent. My bf and I talk to each other in them for fun every now and again.
I've been around so many british people and watch a majority british youtube channels so I have that pretty spot on and sometimes it slips out because I literally have been around it for years
I can make good attempts at French and Russian. I'm a Scot but most people ask if I'm Irish or American when speaking naturally, and I can try to force them just to mess with people (Irish more convincingly, dated a few Irish men). :p

I've been asked by Spanish-speakers if I've ever lived there when I speak it, so I guess I pull off Spanish okay.
I'm actually trained in received pronunciation British accent. My degree is in theater and I had to do it for one of the plays I was in at my university
I can do a British accent because I'm half English but that's about as far as my talents go.
I can, which i find weird. I adapt to whoever I'm speaking to and in which language, but my real accent stays put most of the time.
No I just embarrass myself trying.
I've been around so many british people and watch a majority british youtube channels so I have that pretty spot on and sometimes it slips out because I literally have been around it for years

tbh me too, i remember i watched so many scottish youtubers one year i sometimes get asked why i sound scottish when i say some things. i've lost it by now but it was an interesting experience
I'm American as they come and I can do a lot of accents. I can do a decent French, Australian, British, and "Southern" accent. I fooled a lot of people with the Australian accent on a voice chat app. =D I can also do a "Group X" accent, also know as the people behind Shfifty Five that really old video from like Albino Black Sheep and the other old funny sites, me and my friend did it so often that it's integrated into me. I also can do a really old smoker lady if I push on my throat a certain way and it makes me laugh a lot. I can also do a child voice, or a manly voice, and sing like a man if I want to, especially an opera singing man. I have a pretty flexible voice.