Diving trick after the big update


cosmic love
Sep 21, 2014
Old Eggs
I haven't played since the amiibo update. A while ago, I'd seen a few topics about how villagers seemed to be pinging more frequently since the update. Do you find this to be true?

I ask because I'm desperate for PWP requests! I'm doing the diving trick. I always stay in the water for 5 minutes. Can I stay there for less time if villagers ping more often now (and if so, how many minutes)?

Yesterday I was trying for at least an hour and a half before I got frustrated and stopped. I got plenty of pings, but they were all of the "what kind of snack describes me?" or "change my greeting" variety. My pockets are full of flowers & I have no bells on me. I'm guessing it was just some bad luck, but still, not pleasant :p Is the diving trick still the most reliable way to get PWP requests?
i was trying it as well yesterday but it seems pretty inconsistent as usual :( i really wish there was an easier way to get pwp! it's like my biggest issue with this game
I haven't been having any luck either unfortunately, and I don't think I'm getting any more pings than i had been before. I just gave up tbh, I'm hoping they'll request them on their own soon bc I'm sick of diving lol.
You don't need a 'trick'.

Just hide for 5 minutes, then run past the villager you want to ping you.

I got all my PWP that way. One after the other.
I've only tried the diving trick but found it was a waste of time. Instead I just went about my daily tasks or harvest perfect fruit.
While I was trying to cut a rotten tree down a villager ran up, requested the PWP and ran away.
Got all the PWP unlocked doing this and it didn't take along time.

I do notice that the villagers do ping me more some days than others. Usually if you talk to a villager you have to wait awhile for another villager to ping. The other day I was trying to find out if a villager was moving so I was talking to one villager until I got rumor talk from them. Walked pass another villager 30 seconds later and they pinged me.
I'm not sure why it's called a trick, as it is basically hiding for five minutes and then running past villagers to get pinged. I've had better luck in the past, but that was before the update. I'll give it a few more tries.. otherwise I guess I'll be waiting for the requests while going about my daily tasks.

Thanks all for the responses!
It really is frustrating and I get more requests by playing the game normally. But an hour and a half is really bad luck and I hope you manage to get a request soon. It is still the best way to get requests but it is very inconsistent.
I got one as soon as I loaded the game for the next session :/ Figures. I was reading a book while waiting in between pings so it wasn't like, horrible, but I don't think it's taken that long before. Gayle asked me three times if she was more like pretzels or chocolate!!
I've always had better luck getting pwp's while I'm just landscaping and watering my flowers. I'll make sure I have no bells on me and my pockets are full of like, flowers or something before I go about my tasks, just to be sure I don't get silly "Buy me this miss money bags" or "Omg i need that totally random thing you have like yesterday" pings.
I used to do it until I got tired of them not suggesting PWP's. I really hope the new AC handles it better than they did here.
The rate of pings seems the same to me but I haven't been looking for PWPs. I'm using the pings to look for the villager who wants to move out.
I get PWP pings most days I play. No tricks or hacks, I just potter around gardening, fishing or catching bugs and a villager will ping me.

Sometimes it's a lot easier to just play the game and let things unfold as they will rather than trying to force it. ;)
The diving trick never worked for me, but I've gotten a lot of pings just from watering my flowers around town. I change the time a lot and wander around my town, and it seems to work. So far I've gotten three or four PBWs just from doing this.
It seems to be about the same rate to me. I use the diving trick, and it garners different results every day. I've been TTing one day forward after I get one PWP request in a day, and sometimes I've gotten a PWP request on my first ping a few days in a row, and sometimes I'll get nothing but "do you prefer spaghetti or mac and cheese" for a couple hours. It really seems to be random.
I also make sure to fill my pockets with flowers or shells or something, and either have my wallet empty or full, just to decrease the number of conversations a ping could mean.

Good luck getting all your PWPs!
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