What kind of a cat are you?

Yay... I guess. :p
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This very highly appeals to my interests!

Japanese Bobtail!

Inside your cute exterior is a vast reservoir of energy. You are highly creative, and you can't help chasing after your imagination, even when it leads you into mischief. You make sure that you carve playtime into your schedule every day. Without it, you would probably go crazy!

I love bob-tailed cats! They're like a cat bunny hybrid!!
"You are a Japanese bobtail!"

Umm...not even sure what that is so I looked it up, pretty cute! XD Yay?
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Ended up with Japanese Bobtail as well.

idk how well I fit the personality type though. I'd probably be more like my cats, just fat and lazy ~

I'm a Himalayan cat. I love the expression on this one's face, it's like: "Me? Do something? That would require me to get up."
Apparently, I'm a Maine coon. I'm not even sure how accurate that is given how many questions I felt were irrelevant to me or I couldn't really decide on!