Anyone else completely freaked by the tarantulas?

Yeah, I get freaked out if I haven't seen one in a long time. They're so black and... thick? Juicy? I'm like leave me alone!
Actually, I think the bees are worse. I like the taratulas and scorpions because they make walking around your town at night kind of exciting.
I hate all bugs that aren't butterflies in this game. I flinch at the sound of them buzzing away, the sprites of the beetles are freakishly realistic, and the sounds of crickets, cicadas, and mole crickets bother me so much.
Hilarious enough though, I caught a tarantula just by pure luck. I don't think I'll be heading into the bug section of the museum any time soon. (or ever.)
I haven't seen one yet. I'm terrified of big bugs in general. ;-;
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This post literally made me laugh out loud! Haha, I TOTALLY thought the same thing when I first saw them. What a dark creature to have in the Animal Crossing world. lol
im not scared of like itty bitty spiders but big ones are quite hairy and gross o.o i mean they can be pets so.. i guess some people like then. other than that ive never seen one ingame but i know they're out there :)
I haven't seen one yet. and by seen I mean gotten a good look at because I'm too busy screaming and running for someone's house.
No, but the first time I saw one, I said: I need to catch that Tarantula! And I caught it.

Actually I was close to a Tarantula a long time ago.
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I think I've run into one but I'm unsure. I was on the beach the other day and saw a black thing fall down the cliff and disappear, which I think was a tarantula. It scared me just a little bit.
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I mean, if I am out bug hunting and I have my volume off and I accidentally sprint then yeah because I don't know it's coming. Otherwise I am actually pretty decent at capturing them [and also the scorpions] but I remember at the start when they terrified me
Yes, my blood pressure goes up, my heart starts racing, and 9x out of 10, I run away. (That's why they're a main part of the horror story. *shudders.*)
I've been bitten so many times by them, and stung by the scorpions, it's not even funny. I'm a horrible bug catcher.
I am afraid of spiders irl so I don't like them in game either. I still have yet to catch one! They're too fast!!
The same happened to me!! This was a while ago though, so I didn't know that tarantulas were a thing... I'm EXTREMELY scared of spiders so that didn't help haha D: But yeah I was walking slowly one night in my town with my net trying to catch another bug, when it suddenly came running from behind a tree and bit me, I squealed sooooo loud TT_TT that was so scary hahah, I still hate the tarantula
My first year with this game, I would stop playing around the time they would spawn. Haha! I've caught a few of course, but they still creep me out. (So does real spiders...)