Favorite TBT Collectible(s)?


Senior Member
Oct 23, 2016
Old Eggs
We have alot of TBT collectibles made! :D

There are certainly some that spark in your eyes, if there are, which are they?

Here are some I like alot.

Ice Cream Swirl
Classic Easter Egg
Chao Easter Egg
Candy Cane
Famous Mushroom
Pumpkin Cupcake
Star Glow Wand
Spring Shamrock
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I like the birthstones, the glow wands, the feathers, the Weird Doll, the Galaxy Easter Egg, the Sakura Easter Egg, the houses, the Chocolate Cake, the Ice Cream Swirl, the Popsicle, and the Lump of Coal. My Sakura Easter Egg, Popsicle and Lump of Coal all have sentimental value because I either won them in a giveaway or extremely generous members on here gave them to me for free.
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I'm not telling you mine. You already know what it is (it's not even the green pinwheel or moon wand).
My favourites are the balloons, Mint, popsicle, holiday candy cane, pinwheels, the house letters, chocolate cake and the violets. C:
star wand, cake, cherry, ice cream, peach, famous mushroom, chao egg, pink & white feather, lump of coal
Weird doll, pinwheel, party popper and popsicle are my favorites. I respect any member who has one of them honestly, not easy to find :p
I like my Snowglobe from the 2012 Christmas Sig Contest
The snow globe and bell bag are my personal favourites.
I really like the timmy doll tho
wierd doll. so rare that you can't even find one anymore.

dark feather. how many have even changed hands, less than five?

spring shamrock. they signaled a watershed breakthrough for creating new seasonal collectibles....
The flower ones, and generally anything with a cloud background because they look really neat.
CANDYYYYYYYYYYYY I know it's not evident from my line-up but I love the candies so much! I think I have like 40 candies or something. And I still need more! (I do miss the old background for them though...)
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GLOW WANDS. You guys have no idea how much I begged for those.

Peach, weird doll, and I've recently developed a love for the feather collectibles.