How old were you when you started playing?

I was 16 and now I'm 20, God I feel old. I really miss the beginning stage of AC:NL everything was really good and fun, plus everything was so new! I like it now as well though, it has really nice updates that enhance gameplay.
My first AC game was Wild World, and I think I was about 6 or 7 when I started that, I'm not sure, but I started New Leaf when it came out - summer of 2012! I remember getting my 3DS for christmas, specifically for New Leaf lol.. I'm 15 now, so i would've been 10 :)
I started December 2019, 19 years old! Bought a used 3ds then went to EB Games to buy my first AC game!
I have 16, my birthday is in October and got ACNL in 2013, short time after European launch, so 12.

But I dont know when I started in ACWW, my first Animal Crossing :/
I have played animal crossing new leaf since I was 18. But I started playing wild world when I was approximately 11-12 years old I think.
I got my first 3DS (or should i say, my first game system ever) around a month ago, and that's when I started playing ACNL. So, 17!
I played my first Animal Crossing game at my neighbor's house when I was about 7...when I was around 11 I got New Leaf but I didn't really understand how to play completely for a couple years :lemon:
I got my 3ds for my birthday about three years ago, so I'd say I started playing a little over three years ago