water or teabag first?

Microwave water in mug, add teabag.

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Generally speaking, I like to put the tea bag in first. However, when I'm using a keurig, I've noticed that sometimes the water makes the bag's string slip in! So, if i'm using a keurig to make the hot water, I put the bag in last. :p

Huh, I never thought to use a Keurig just to heat water. I should do that.
Teabag first. Boil the water and while your waiting, put the teabag and possibly sugar in. Pour the boiled water in, then the milk! I also squeeze the teabag juice (is that the right word lol?) out so it's a stronger tea! :)
Tea bag, or else it floats and you've got to poke it down with a spoon, I only did water first before I had an electric kettle, cause I'd have to boil my water in the microwave in the cup I was using.
Teabag first and then water, definitely. I tend to let it sit for about 4-5 minutes to have a stronger taste. After that, I'll take out the teabag and pour some sugar. :)
Well everyone is saying they put the teabag in first & is wondering what kind of uncultured person wouldn't, but I unfortunately have to say that I do put the water in first.
bag first of course, putting the water first is like putting in milk before cereal aka the worst crime known to man