What to do about Gaming Burnout?


Jun 12, 2013
Old Eggs
I don't know what it is, but lately I've been burnt out of all my games. I have no desire to go back to "most" of them. It's like, I want to enjoy them, but I can't force myself to play them.

Can anyone relate, and does anyone know what to do about such a situation?
I've definitely felt this before. I've burnt out Assassin's Creed, Skyrim, Dragon's Dogma, Battleblock Theatre, and many other games.Only multiplayer would bring me back to them.
My solution is to take a break from them and do some retro-gaming. :)
(example: sonic adventure 2 w/ the chaos, crash bandicoot, spyro, etc.)
Thanks :D but to be honest, I was talking about all of my games, both retro and new. I can't get into the older games any more than the modern stuff.

Edit: actually the only game I can get into atm is Dragon Quest IX for DS. Everything else I just can't get enough urging to play.

I think I need a break from gaming for a while entirely :) I seem to remember that reading a book for a good while recharges my want for gaming.

Edit again: Heh it's kinda funny, talking about all of this is putting me in a gaming mindset. I guess I just needed the right motivation. :)
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Thanks :D but to be honest, I was talking about all of my games, both retro and new. I can't get into the older games any more than the modern stuff.

Edit: actually the only game I can get into atm is Dragon Quest IX for DS. Everything else I just can't get enough urging to play.

I think I need a break from gaming for a while entirely :) I seem to remember that reading a book for a good while recharges my want for gaming.

Edit again: Heh it's kinda funny, talking about all of this is putting me in a gaming mindset. I guess I just needed the right motivation. :)

Oh, sorry! My solution for that is what you said - I have other hobbies that are really fun! Taking a 2-3 month break always seems to do the trick :)
Oh, sorry! My solution for that is what you said - I have other hobbies that are really fun! Taking a 2-3 month break always seems to do the trick :)

Oh true :) and thanks.

I need to find more hobbies. I do love writing, maybe I'll do that more, but as I said, talking about it somewhat helped :3
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Seems to me like your problem has been solved!

I get into a gaming rut like that too sometimes. Taking on forums definitely helps. And if nothing else I'll usually find a tv show or anime to watch and sometimes an episode will inspire me to play a certain game again.
Sometimes it's better to not play when you're feeling burnout. One of the podcasts I would listen to religiously often got questions related to gaming burnout, their answer was to just not play when you feel that way. If gaming starts feeling more like a job or chore, it's time to stop and enjoy something else.
i do something else or play another game i feel like playing a bit more. then i come back later and play again when i feel like it more or when i dont feel tired from just thinking about playing the game lol. there are sooo many games that i played a bit, put down and then started playing it again 6 months later and binged it :0
Stop gaming for a while and focus on other hobbies (or get another hobby if you don't have any) instead. I didn't game as much during the PS2 era thanks to burnout. But I picked it back up with the Xbox 360 and have been huge into it ever since. (I've been gaming since NES era.)