Do you live here?

Eh... I make an effort nowadays to avoid this site, but I'm still on here pretty often; I wouldn't call it my home though. When I'm online, I tend to spend most of my time chatting with friends. Sites I primarily go on include Reddit, TBT, YouTube, FR, PH, and​ Discord and Netflix. I make an effort now to avoid social media because of some of my ****ty family members, and tbh I also try to avoid being online too much because I'd rather be making art or sitting outside​ or reading.
It's a mix between TBT and YouTube along with my lovely stupid, crap, awful, terrible, literally dying life. :rolleyes: ehehehehheheha! :D
it use to be! probably youtube now but i just use it to listen to music while i draw
lmao maybe in 2015 but literally whats the ****ing point? i only really come here to post art and nobody bothers posting regardless so
i mainly just lurk on tumblr, but discord is the only place i have permanently open now
Used to. Over time I've realized its not that great of a forum. It looks nice, but that's all there is too it.
The economy used to be so much better, but people have jacked up TBT/Bell/Collectible prices WAAAY too high over the past year or so.

I only check here maybe once every week or so now.

When I'm online, I tend to frequent:
  • Youtube (GameGrumps, Chuggaaconroy, Smooth McGroove, ProJared, DeathBattle, and VariantComics)
  • Steam (Gaming)
  • SteamGifts Forum (wide variety of topics, new, deals, giveaways, and trading)
  • Facebook (memes, jokes, general news and shenanigans)
  • GameFAQs (when I need help in a game, avoid their's an ocean of trolls and salt)
  • CW Website (keeping up with several shows each week)
  • Netflix
  • KissAnime
  • KissCartoon
  • Discord (on a lot of different servers)
  • GetComics (I get all of my comics here)
used to. after january of this year i kind of drifted away from this forum. in summer i'm the most active though
i rarely post here anymore despite my post count but i mean this forum got boring for me
i rarely post here anymore despite my post count but i mean this forum got boring for me

Oh, my. That certainly is quite a number of posts you've got there! I guess it gets a bit much after a while. A lot of my posts must come from Quick, Before the Mods Come!.