Pokémon Things you would change about Gen VII

There are actually some questions that I don't feel comfortable answering. But I'm basically trying to say is that the only thing in Gen 7 that needs fixing is Lillie's skirt. I actually find her ugly in a skirt that short for her height. It would be better if it were longer. Not only that, but her body looks like it's out of proportion based on legs and torso compared to the female protagonist. I understand that Pokemon is a Japanese game, and miniskirts are part of the Japanese culture, but I really don't like Lillie like how they designed her.

Just because you are a bit conservative? Well, just saying there are way worse designed 3ds NPC's for that matter, and a lot of game/anime have short skirts so it doesn't take over the animation and basically look more proportional and easier to do. This as in Sailor Moon when people complained on the short skirts. I don't mind her really, but then I'm kinda neutral with Pok?mon NPC since all they do is like try to fight and guide you even if this game takes it too far.
I didn't really think there was a great story plot to be honest. And whenever we did focus on the plot, I felt like our character was always in the background. We didnt really do anything to help. And what i wasn't fond of is that the main plot was more to do with the ultrabeats in the end and the blonde girls part in it and everything. It seemed like we were just there for there for the ride.

Again, also very easy, too easy. Not fair for the players who been playing pokemon for years (which is why they should stop holding our hands with this should have some sort of diffculty). And the trails were a little like, pointless. Again i'm not too fond of the new pokemon, but they are a lot better than the last new pokemon we gotten. And i wish there was a bit more reason to defeat the bad team and focus more on the main legendaries in the game and their power.
I also hate how they are complting ignoring the fatc that they made a group called Team Skull ages ago, sure it was in the mystery dungeon games but you should have a different team name all the time (also I laughed and cried when I saw the design of team skull). Also can there be one region where there isn't one bad gang like seriously.
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The fact that the elemental monkeys are unobtainable unless you poke bank for them, or trade with a friend.
Some of the trials are ridiculously easy. I had a really weak team that I used to scrape through the storyline and I had no ground pokemon or moves, yet I completed the Electric Trial with no problem first try! Interested to hear what everyone else thinks.

I'm bored right now so I'm just gonna make a list of issues I have with the game.

Things I would change about Gen VII

I know not many people share this view, but I always look forward to seeing who the champion is, because in every other Pokemon game I've played, it has been someone who was featured in the storyline prominently (with the exception of X/Y), but you never know who it would be. But making Professor Kuikui he champion was so predictable and boring. On that topic, I wish they introduced new characters for the Elite Four aprart from Kahunas/Trial leaders.

It's really hard to get good pokemon at the beginning of the game because the only pokemon you can catch are normal pokemon and they don't even evolve into stong ones like in previous games.

This is a generic one, but the game is ridiculously easy. I scraped through the storyline with a team with nothing but Flying/Normal pokemon (I'm lazy about creating teams before I unlock the Judge)

There's no post game mission or extra episode in the post game besides catching the ultra beasts.All there is to do in the game is complete the storyline and catch all the extra legendarys. After that, you're just running around in circles and the game gets really stale for me.

I'm also vexed that they only way to transfer pokemon between Sun/Moon and other pokemon games is to buy Pokebank. I don't want to pay money just so I can transfer pokemon from one game to the other.

Umm. Spoilers! I mean I knew who was champion but He's just a fill in for the first trainer to win haven't you beaten the 4 again?
My main problem is NO IN GAME NATIONAL DEX So after I completed the dex that's it...

- - - Post Merge - - -

I wish the region was larger. It was weird having pokemon centers around every corner. I'm also a bit old in thinking there are way too many legendaries now. But I really only consider Lunaala and Solgaleo to be true legendaries for this one. The totem pokemon and UBs I consider pseudo legendary.

I wish there was an option to go through the trials again post-game with higher levels and more difficult battles. But I suppose there hasn't been a pokemon game that allowed you to revisit the pokemon league.

Overall though I thought it was a great game. I liked the story and the new gym system was fun, but I expect this will be the only region with the trial system. It was a great way to celebrate the 20th anniversary, imo ~
My thoughts exactly execpt I want more water areas to swimmmmmmmm in
I am lazy so I have not read what anyone else has said but it must be the change from the PSS to the Festival Plaza. I once read that the developers for Pokemon games alternate every two generations so one set start working on Generation V and another set starts working on Generation VI concurrently for example so those working on Generation VII didn't have time to implement the same features like the PSS. (Not sure any of that made sense.) If that is true it makes sense and partially excuses them but I think the reason I barely finished the main story of Sun and haven't started Moon yet is because I have no incentive to trade because of how stupidly difficult they have made it. Travelling to the Festival Plaza as opposed to clicking on the bottom screen is so much more effort by comparison. It's just made me not interested in collecting all the Hidden Ability Pokemon like I normally do.
Also, please make that damn Pokedex less diverse as for Alola one, or at least make some stuff more available, smh some stuff are just a joke, especially with the SOS exclusives...
The most glaring problem is of course the lack of a substantial post-game content, besides finishing the dex and challenging the battle tree. Oh and some sort of contest/pok?athlon minigame of ANY kind would improve the game's longevity a lot. Messing with a silly in-game camera doesn't quite make up for that :p

The battle frontier in gen 3 and 4 were amazing in this regard, but even those don't come close to the perfection that was reached by B/W and B/W 2. The white tree/black tower challenges were great and the pok?wood was also a lot of fun.

You see, I think the main problem with pokemon games is that there's this FREAKING HUGE divide between casual and "competitive" play, even in-game.
Once you're done with the main adventure sudently your team becomes absolutely useless, and your only options after that are to either buckle down and go through the tedious and gimmicky process of actually raising perfectly IVed hexaflawless powerhouses with excellent egg-bred moves, or... just stop playing the game.

There's no reward for actually training and getting to know a certain pokemon aside from being able to tick it off the list so that one day you just might complete the dex. I want to be able to look at the pokedex and see which pokemon I haven't played with before,
I want to be able to go out and catch a Chatot or a Bewear and train them just for the hell of it, and to be able to actually DO SOMETHING with them. Even when that "something" was just have them participate in beauty pageants and spoil them with poffins and treats, it was still better than nothing, but now we don't even have that.

Hell maybe they could let us re-challenge the trainers of the region and make challenges based on that. I need to be able to HAVE SOME FUN with the pokemon I catch without being forced to raise them to perfection, ESPECIALLY since the only way to do so is to research that **** yourself because half the time the game won't even aknowledge the hidden values and stats that are vital to a pokemon's cometitive ability.

I love this series to death and I always will, but something HAS to change in this regard. I just want these games about catching and raising creatures actually let me do so and reward me for it.

I could sit here and preach about how I want all pokemon to follow you in the overworld or for the GB sounds from HG/SS to make a comeback but really, this is all I really want.
Yeah I hate that the game become so competitive once you reach E4... since when did they become so flawless Pok?mon trainers?
I could sit here and preach about how I want all pokemon to follow you in the overworld or for the GB sounds from HG/SS to make a comeback but really, this is all I really want.

The GB Sounds, my my. I really hoped they'd do a GBA Sounds for ORAS but alas they did not. Since all my 2nd generation games have knackered batteries, as always, I love to turn them on in HGSS and bask. THE GSC gym music is my favourite music in any video game.