Brush Your Teeth Before or After Breakfast?

Usually before, most days I'm in a rush and it just gets everything out the way quicker if I do it while I'm already upstairs. Also I just eat a cereal bar or a banana or something as I'm walking to the train station for breakfast anyway, so I couldn't brush them after even if i tried!

I do prefer to do it before though, even when I'm not in a rush. I can't deal with having morning breath so the faster it's gone the better, even if breakfast does taste disgusting, I'd actually take that sacrifice
Usually after, but that's only if I have time to eat before leaving the house. Eating or drinking anything after brushing your teeth is so nasty, and I usually like fresh orange juice in the morning. I once made the mistake of drinking it after brushing my teeth and it tasted of regret and tears. Never again.
I'll brush my teeth after breakfast but before I put my makeup on. I don't want to leave the house with bad breath but I also don't want to mess my makeup up by brushing my teeth will foundation and lipstick on.
I brush my teeth before because 1. eating breakfast with the taste of morning breath is gross and 2. if I put it off until after I'm prone to forgetting about it entirely. #noshame

Also what kind of monster goes out* of the house with breakfast breath? I'm shocked at these answers but I suppose I shouldn't be because my husband eats breakfast after brushing his teeth.

lel Unless you regularly eat whole onions and garlic for breakfast, there's no reason anybody should be bothered by your breath slightly smelling like eggs or pancakes!
I brush my teeth after eating Breakfast.

Otherwise, I'd basically be eating Mint. :p
i don't eat breakfast so this is hard to answer
i guess before?
To me, it makes more sense to brush my teeth after breakfast, at least this way I'll walk out of the house with a clean and refreshing mouth. From someone who actually wears braces, it's probably most sensible to do it this way anyway because they collect all sorts of food.
I don't usually eat breakfast, but whenever I do I brush after I eat because otherwise it'll bother me
after lol it tastes gross to brush your tweth and then eat breakfast. also i really like having the feelig of clean teeth thruout the day. before breakfast i always drink water and rinse my mouth out but brushing my teeth is very much No Thank
But also both depending on what breakfast was. Like cereal for example.. you'd definitely have to brush after as well! Lol
i eat breakfast before brushing my teeth so my breakfast doesn't taste of gross minty paste
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Needs a poll.

After breakfast, because maybe I don't want bits of cereal stuck in my teeth, which would somewhat defeat the purpose of brushing before. Not checked, but I bet someone on here brushes both before and after.
I brush my teeth after breakfast because I want clean teeth, plus it's always made sense to me to brush after eating.
After, especially because I love orange juice, and everybody knows how that tastes after you brush your teeth.
no i usually dont brush my teeth at all (yes i know im gross), but when i do it's mostly at night