Things that you feel need more awareness

Diverse families and interracial marriages. People like to say "it's 2017, is it really an issue anymore?". For couples and parents, a lot would share issues they still encounter. However, it's pretty clear from multiple media examples as well. More awareness would be nice.

Animals causes as someone already pointed out. However, especially issues in the US that we are shielded the dairy/beef and poultry industry. I'd also like to see more awareness on "designer" backyard breeding and declawing. :/

I think in general we need more world awareness. It's easy to get wrapped up in what's in front of us. However, what's happening around the world, other's history, and different cultures are important to have education in.
Definitely the new concentration camps in Russia and the lack of action of other nations.
I feel like there needs to be more awareness of ACTUAL autism information, so much of the stuff that happens around autism awareness month is mostly about fear-mongering people into thinking it's a horrible disease rather than spreading actual information to help better autistic peoples lives and have society understand and accept us.
autism!! there are so many misconceptions that people have about autism and it bothers me. also religions, most specifically islam and christianity. too many misconceptions about those as well
PTSD. It's not something only war veterans "get". ANYONE can experience trauma and the symptoms manifest themselves in many different ways for different people, and it's much more common than people think.
Probably the importance of science. The vast majority of patients in hospitals can't really give informed consent because they've all managed to get a high school diploma without developing any scientific literacy. Even less important decisions like choosing which products to buy become impossible if you can't read the ingredients. Schooling really needs to catch up with the modern world.
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- the exotic pet black market trade (I did my whole full semester essay & presentation on this)
- more spelling classes in school
- adoption insensitivity (my best friend is adopted)
- scholarships & ways to have more secondary education that the schools don't talk about enough. I've met a lot of people that brush
off going to certain, but great schools (when they can probably get in), because of expenses and limit themselves thinking there is no
way they could do it. Granted, sometimes there isn't, but also sometimes there is. You just have to do research.
- stereotypes of upper-mid/upper class people
- Asian stereotyping (i'm not Asian, but my friend is, and she gets annoyed when people always poke at her for not "being like the rest") Imo, people don't really take asian stereotyping as seriously. Positive stereotypes can still hurt some people indirectly.
- that's all I have for now.
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the UN Environment Program says the earth is currently in the midst of mass extinction of life. Every 24 hours, 150-200 species of plants, insects, birds and mammals are lost.

some are still rapidly going into extinction due to humans poaching/sporthunting/demolishing trees, marshland/wetland ecosystems, exotic animal trade and mass pollution of the ocean/seas, and waste.
thousands of animals are on the Endangered species list, such as: Giraffes, Turtles, Frogs, Hummingbirds, Lions, Tigers, Bears
most notable ones that are rapidly in decline and high chances, will die out and become extinct in our lifetime are: Wolves, Mokeys, Mice, Armadillo, Sheep, Hawks, Ferrets, Zebras, Deer, Snakes, Butterflies, and thats just the skim of the surface.
also, the great barrier reef is nearly dead.

its upsetting to see alot of people disregard this information, and even more shocking that there is alot of people who beleive that mankind is "divine" superior, and above animals in all aspect. (religion does come into play with that, unfortunately) when they really dont know, are unaware, or dont care to understand the importance of the parts some animals play into cleaning, and giving balance to our planet. we not only bite the hand that feeds us, but we are completley destroying the base of the hand. animals do more than just look pretty for educational use in zoos, exotic exhibits in foreign countries, and picture books. and if the majority of people who obviously never read the lorax think we can live without animals with the "survival of the fittest" or "climate change is liberal propaganda" mindset, then itll be too late when they realize (if they EVER realize) why we do not have clean air in their city or overpopulation of certain species because another who keeps it and the plant ecosystem in balance is gone because we destroyed all chances of its survival.

the problem is, humans have the power to protect and upkeep the balance of life on this planet, just as much as we have power to destory it so its really a shame to see so much of that power, go into destroying it.
I feel like there needs to be more awareness of ACTUAL autism information, so much of the stuff that happens around autism awareness month is mostly about fear-mongering people into thinking it's a horrible disease rather than spreading actual information to help better autistic peoples lives and have society understand and accept us.

This so much. I bet they hardly know a thing how hard it is to get help and all the rules and regulations (having asperger's/asd) and they only go on tumblr and/or those anti-vaccine fake sites sigh.