Are you proud of being an american?

Not proud exactly but I'd rather be in the US than just about anywhere wise (Japan being the only other country I'd like to be).
funny how all these people take for granted the fact that they are living relatively comfortable lives in a stable western democracy that while imperfect, could be much much worse.

I don't take it for granted; I know it's a lot ****tier in other countries. I know that if I lived somewhere in the middle east (for example), I wouldn't have the rights that I have here in America because I am a woman (and an atheist).

But just because we have it better than a lot of countries doesn't mean I have to be proud, and that I'm not allowed to complain. We have it good, yes, but there's so much room for improvement. Not to mention the fact that there ARE other countries that, IMO, are better than America. They have free/much more affordable healthcare, their education is MUCH more affordable, better public transportation, better gun laws, etc.

TL;DR just because America has it better than a lot of other countries doesn't mean Americans are not allowed to complain.
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Yep. I'm very patriotic, yet I don't like 20% of the people that live there. I also don't care who's in office right now.

But I do admit America made mistakes before.
I'm from Sweden and while there are things that make me proud of my country there are also things that make me ashamed. Kind of a mixed bag. I guess most people feel like that.

Sweden and our Scandinavian neighbours are generally considered some of the best countries to live in and I do consider myself lucky to have been born here, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna turn to blind patriotism. Just because your country happens to be better than average doesn't mean you should accept things that aren't so good.
People really shouldn't threaten Trump. Trust me, Pence is worse.

And I couldn't care less about the country's state. If I did I still couldn't do anything about it.
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I think I won a lottery in life, I could've been born in a third world country, or a country where I wouldn't know where/how/when I would get my next meal/water source. Or a country that is constantly at war with itself, where I have no freedom to even express myself. Or a country that is out of control with crime, and I have to worry about being a female and under represented.
But here I am in my comfortable bed with Wifi, and a $1,500 laptop, with abundance of food/water/heat/shelter. And I was given the opportunity and liberty to become whatever I choose, and I'm educated, and in a doctorate program, so I can make a comfortable living for my future family.

So yes, I am proud to be American. I'm happy where I was born and raised. I'm happy to be raised with western mentality where we are deemed more compassionate for animals/humans, and are a bit more environmentally conscious.
Every country has flaws, but I'm glad I'm American.
I'm glad I live here. This country has flaws, but so does every country and some worse than others. Right now things are tense, but there are countries in the world with a lot worse going on. I'm fortunate to be living here when I could be worse off.
I think everyone should be proud of their nationality, it's part of who you are. That doesn't mean you have to be proud of everything your government does or everything your countrymen do, but you can still be proud of your origins.
Nope. I haven't been for a very long time. Political system is corrupt beyond measure, corporate greed is valued over the health and welfare of citizens, our education system is an absolute joke, and this past election proved that we can no longer provide decent options for leadership. Unless we completely overturn the current political and educational system, we're going to continue working our way backwards into becoming a third world country with a mighty large attitude problem.
I'm not American myself but if I was I definitely wouldn't be proud. But then, I'm not proud of being British since we're the ones to blame for the US being the way it is.
I'm glad I live here. This country has flaws, but so does every country and some worse than others. Right now things are tense, but there are countries in the world with a lot worse going on. I'm fortunate to be living here when I could be worse off.
I think everyone should be proud of their nationality, it's part of who you are. That doesn't mean you have to be proud of everything your government does or everything your countrymen do, but you can still be proud of your origins.

^^ these are almost exactly my thoughts on the matter, too. i'm not always proud to say i'm american, but i'm very grateful to live here, and for all of the people that have fought for our rights, freedoms, and for positive change in this country both throughout history and currently. america without a doubt has its flaws, but there are so many places that are much worse. that doesn't mean that we don't need to move forward and grow as a country and as human beings, but i think a vast majority of americans are good at heart. unfortunately it's just the terrible ones that get the most media attention, which is a damn shame.
(When the majority of the site is Americans and you feel lonely because there is no other people who are from the same place as you.)

If I was an American I wouldn't be proud, I would go as far to say I hate America, not the people (well sometimes, there's a bunch of idiotic celebrities) but the way politics is handled and other issues. No country is better than another, but some have more flaws than others and America is the perfect example of a flawed country.
Hmm...No. I wouldn't say I'm proud. But I also wouldn't say I hate my country either. There are some really good, amazing people here who get overshadowed by the absolute bull**** people in charge. It's easy to see the sideshow circus that we have for a political system here and think that we're a country of morons and terrible people, but there are so many people who are fighting against the grain, and are challenging the people who would keep them in the dirt. That's a good thing! We're a young, horrifically flawed country, but we're also a country of deeply passionate people who have the power to change things if we fight hard enough. We just have to keep pushing forward.